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Some time ago I saw a good documentary about american independent folk/country music, and the mentality around it.

There can't be many of those around, maybe someone here knows what documentary I'm talking about.


I met the guy that did this...I can't remember, I did not read through the entire thread. I'm totally blanking on the name of the film though. The one I am talking about takes place in the Appalachians of NC.

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Found it, probably not be the same you mean but pretty good nevertheless.



Searching For The Wrong-Eyed Jesus

Alt-country singer Jim White explores the folk, faith and musical traditions of America's rural South. Documentary road movie by Amityville Horror director Andrew Douglas featuring Johnny Dowd, The Handsome Family and writer Harry Crews











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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Some of these have probably been posted already but....


Bill Daniels - Who is Bozo Texino




Who is Bozo Texino? chronicles the search for the source of a ubiquitous and mythic rail graffiti-- a simple sketch of a character with an infinity-shaped hat and the scrawled moniker, "Bozo Texino"-- a drawing seen on railcars for over 80 years. Daniel's gritty black and white film uncovers a secret society and it's underground universe of hobo and railworker graffiti, and includes interviews with legendary boxcar artists, Coaltrain, Herby, Colossus of Roads, and The Rambler. Shooting over a 16-year period, Daniel rode freights across the West carrying a Super-8 sound camera and a 16mm Bolex. During his quest he discovered the roots of a folkloric tradition that has gone mostly unnoticed for a century. Taking inspiration from Beat artists Robert Frank and Jack Kerouac, the film functions as both a sub-cultural documentary and a stylized fable on wanderlust and outsider identity.



I suggest checking out the accompanying book as well...







"He is extremely eloquent... and therefore extremely dangerous" - FBI


MilkGrenades and I actually had the opportunity to hang out and converse with John Trudell... Mind opening to say the least.




The Vice Guide to Travel



The VICE GUIDE TO TRAVEL is the first installment in VICE magazine’s new DVD series. The series will feature short documentaries arranged around a different theme.


For this edition we went to the kinds of places that nobody else wants to visit. We traveled to the corners of the world where news is happening, the forgotten locales where strange people and stories lie and where history is being made every day. This is the VICE idea of a vacation.


Spec on the DVD:


- Places visited: Chernobyl, Pakistan, Paraguay, Rio, Beirut, Congo, Bulgaria


-Bonus Footage that includes New Year's Eve in Kabul and David Cross and Gavin McInnes in China




The Weather Underground



They were America's most notorious public outlaws, a little-known radical group who parlayed antiwar sentiments into a sophisticated campaign aimed at disrupting the U.S. government. The Weathermen terrorized Chicago for two days in 1969 before going underground through the 1970s, even attempting to bomb the U.S. Capitol, yet eluded one of history's largest FBI manhunts. Former members speak candidly about their idealistic passion.



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Some of these have probably been posted already but....


Bill Daniels - Who is Bozo Texino




Who is Bozo Texino? chronicles the search for the source of a ubiquitous and mythic rail graffiti-- a simple sketch of a character with an infinity-shaped hat and the scrawled moniker, "Bozo Texino"-- a drawing seen on railcars for over 80 years. Daniel's gritty black and white film uncovers a secret society and it's underground universe of hobo and railworker graffiti, and includes interviews with legendary boxcar artists, Coaltrain, Herby, Colossus of Roads, and The Rambler. Shooting over a 16-year period, Daniel rode freights across the West carrying a Super-8 sound camera and a 16mm Bolex. During his quest he discovered the roots of a folkloric tradition that has gone mostly unnoticed for a century. Taking inspiration from Beat artists Robert Frank and Jack Kerouac, the film functions as both a sub-cultural documentary and a stylized fable on wanderlust and outsider identity.



This is a great doc.


One of the boxcar hobos drops a brilliant quote..


I've got a philosophy.. maybe I'm wrong or maybe my philosphy is fucked up ok? But there's two things I do not like, and these make me a bum. & that's responsibility and authority. I'm serious.

I'll give you anything I got, if you ask me for it. Or I'll do anything you want me to do, if you ask me to. But if you tell me I gotta do it, I don't know what it is but there's something inside of me that says 'Fuck this motherfucker man, you ain't gonna do it.' You know what I mean?

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True Norwegian Black Metal - Part 1


True Norwegian Black Metal - Part 2


True Norwegian Black Metal - Part 3


True Norwegian Black Metal - Part 4


True Norwegian Black Metal - Part 5



the end is awesome.

this is about the lead singer from the infamously famous satanic black metal band gorgoroth who is known to torture people that fuck with him on his bum fuck property

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I'm 50 seconds into the first part, and I'm already pissed the fuck off.


I know, I had my fists clinched through the entire thing... But it's interesting to see how these dude's try to rationalize their sick behavior (there's not one ounce of validity to their argument what-so-ever).


I'm not saying it's going to be anyone's new favorite movie, but it is worth checking out once.

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WOW didnt take much to out do yourself. you sir are a master of ghey... touché

there is a homo dungeon thread you should check out, your wildest dreams await.


That would have been funny if I knew that you didn't think about it for ten minutes, then proof read it twice before you hit "submit."


I'll give you points for having heart and giving it a go.

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