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world's energy problems solved (using only water and sunlight)?


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looks like it could be entirely possible.



Science turns sun, surf into green energy

Deborah Smith Science Editor

March 21, 2007

A REVOLUTIONARY technology that uses sunlight and sea water to produce an unlimited supply of clean, hydrogen fuel could be developed within a decade, Sydney researchers say.

Leigh Sheppard, of the University of NSW, estimated that 1.6 million of the solar devices, installed on rooftops, would be able to produce enough hydrogen gas to supply Australia's entire energy needs. While other energy options under discussion, such as nuclear power, produce harmful wastes, the only by-products of this solar hydrogen technology would be oxygen and fresh water, Dr Sheppard said.


"It is the cleanest, greenest energy option for a sustainable economy."


Dr Sheppard said much more research was needed, but the university team was confident it would be able to make the process efficient enough within 10 years for it then to be developed commercially. Its technique relies on using a light sensitive material, titanium dioxide, to harness the power of the sun to split water into oxygen and hydrogen gas. "The process has the additional advantage that it works best in sea water," Dr Sheppard said.

Australia was rich in titanium, and had abundant sunshine. "And we are surrounded by ocean."


It might also be possible to use artesian water, or pump sea water inland, to a large array of solar panels which could produce hydrogen for local use and even for export.

An area covering 40 square kilometres (24 square miles) would meet the country's energy needs.


A way of using sunlight to split water was first developed by Japanese scientists in the 1970s, but worldwide interest in developing this approach has only recently been rekindled by concerns about burning fossil fuels and global warming.


The small UNSW team, led by Professor Janusz Nowotny, is a world leader in using titanium dioxide as a catalyst to split water. The researchers have developed instruments which can measure the electrical properties of the material so they can improve its performance by altering its oxygen content or adding impurities.


A visiting German solar expert, Helmut Tributsch, of the Free University in Berlin, said research was urgently needed into ways to covert the sun's power into usable energy, such ashydrogen fuel and photovoltaic electricity. Professor Tributsch said water splitting was a process nature used to harness the sun's energy. "We should really follow the example of nature. It is the only safe way to handle our environment in the long term."


Hydrogen was a clean and efficient fuel for powering everything from vehicles to furnaces and air conditioning. "When you burn it, it gives water, so there is no pollution of the environment," he said.


Dr Sheppard said hydrogen fuelling stations for cars were operating in several countries including Germany and the US, but a lot more infrastructure would be needed before hydrogen could be widely used as an energy source. He said nuclear power had the advantage that it was a proven technology. "But this is a smarter technology. It does not produce toxic waste."


It could take five more years to commercialise the water-splitting technology once it was fully developed, he said.


Professor Tributsch will give a public lecture on solar energy at the university on Monday night.



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Or the fact that they just don't have it...


I believe that big oil might try to stop something like this, but in this case I'm pretty much positive that they just don't have shit.


Anyone see "Who Killed the Electric Car"? Some good stuff to think about.

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Ive thought about technology being stifled by big business...


And that they are always 10 years off...


It all boils down to(IMO) engineers have great Ideas,

but the long term deficit that occurs when you take on a project

that won't create an equal or greater than return than fossil fuels

just doesn't appeal to the companies that have the capital to fund

such a endeavor. I mean, it would be a project that would help the

environment... but it would just cost too much with little return value

for a really long time.

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Oil companies are not run by demons.


Just rich people that hire managers for the sole purpose

of not losing any money at all. Most companies make more

money every year. Thats the goal. Positive return.


^^It's shitty but true.


If safe efficient CLEAN energy was cheap to make, didn't take

to long to produce, and could be marked up at least twice the price

of the cost to produce it...


We would have a cleaner tomorrow.

Simple truth, fact of the matter, is that fossil fuel takes thousands of

years to make. We are just taking something that is here and a ready for

sale. We didn't make oil. We found it. If we had to make it from scratch or

build a new technology(now a days at least) to utilize it, we would find another

way to get our energy.


Innovation verses Instant Gratification...


Thats a hard battle when dealing with money.

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Apologies in straying off topic ABC...


I would love to see a clean energy plan in place.

Just as I get older, I start to understand(NOT AGREE WITH)

the previous generations choices that dig us deeper in a rut

and potentially endanger our children's children.


They made their decisions out of survival through wealth.


I want a better world... But I wouldn't start trusting the masses

to make this happen anytime soon. People NEED their "things," their

"gadgets." No one wants to go backwards and start again.


I say go nuclear.

Dangerous, but efficient and ready to use.

Potentially cleaner, as long as a meltdown doesn't happen.

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did asdf_va move his margins or something? where is that setting on the reply box? i cant find it.


anyway, all jokes aside, its really good to hear about advances like this. not to be an uber liberal but hopefully in 10 years this will still be viewed as a valid solution. eeessh.

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I really dont think oil/gas is going to fall threw as quickly is everyone is thinking, we will just have to switch up our methods. there are literally trillions of cubic feet of gas, and millions of barrells of oil in the Barnett Shale, and that is just one formation. i work on wells here daily that could supply the gas for a neiborhood for a long time.

Oil and gas are going to be around for a while..


That said we do need an alternative, shit is going to be gone someday and i hope im not alive to see the mass breakdown that will happen

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