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bulimia makes NO sense to me...

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bulemia is a culturally bound syndrome. just like:


Fan death is an urban legend that originated in South Korea, but has since spread to other countries in the Far East. The belief is that an electric fan, if left running overnight in a closed room, can result in the death (by suffocation, poisoning, or hypothermia) of those inside. This belief also extends to air conditioners and the fans in cars. When the air conditioner or fan is on in a car, some people are apt to leave their car windows open a crack to avoid "fan death." Fans manufactured and sold in Korea are equipped with a timer switch that turns them off after a set number of minutes, which users are frequently urged to set when going to sleep with a fan on.


Genital retraction syndrome (GRS), generally considered a culture-specific syndrome, is a condition in which an individual is overcome with the belief that his/her external genitals—or also, in females, breasts—are retracting into the body, shrinking, or in some male cases, may be imminently removed or disappear. A penis panic is sometimes a mass hysteria event or panic in which males in a population suddenly exhibit symptoms of genital retraction syndrome.



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I'm a chef for a living, so a good 90% of the floozies I date are on the "omg... you so need to cook for me" tip. which is fine. the keeps are the ones that offer to cook for me.



I used to date this high end girl a minute back. gorgeous, fit, educated and down to earth. wasn't much of a socialite, so more often than not we'd kick back at the heez and do the movie thing with (her) friends etc.


this girl knew a lot about fine cuisine. when I'd cook for her and her friends, she's be in the kitchen helping me out. knew exactly how to get my cream sauces to redux properly. knew when things were seared enough. it was fucking fantastic. she's talk about the food in depth... it was just nice having a girl that got down on my level from a career standpoint.


one night I walked in on her blowing chunks. she played it off on the "oh, it just didn't sit well" bit. but over time, I caught her more and more and more.


she finally admitted that she was doing it.

just made no sense to me. here's a girl with a head on her shoulders, knew what she wanted in life, was confident in herself and who appeared to be deep into cuisine. really enjoyed eating it... but would hack it up 20 mins later.





this shit makes no sense to me.

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Damn , this shit is hysterical.

An ex of mine said she went through a 'phase' of it. I have seen another one who I believe was a bulemic. It makes no sense to me either, but the 2nd one I am referencing I posted up on another thread here somewhere, and she puked up after NOT eating and drinking as much as me (as I'd expect when I outweigh her by 20kgs). But she also did it when I worked with her a couple of times too.

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i got some chick friends who are suffering from bulimia. Apparently, its like a stress release when they puke everywhere, it makes them feel so much better.


i dont get it either, but one of my other chick friends was bulimic, she was soo fatt then she become bulimic and lost 3-6kg a week, now shes fuckin hot with a flat stomach and everything. so i guess thats one good thing about bulimia

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as someone who's known people who have very serious eating disorders, let me say, you guys have no idea what you're talking about.


is it gross? yes. do i understand it? absolutely not. should you laugh at or make fun of people who suffer from it? no way.


this is the thing:

as men, it doesn't matter how you look. fat, skinny, ugly, good looking, there's always going to be someone who'll say "oh you look so handsome!" even if it's just your mother or grandmother, whatever. and you'll always be able to find someone to fuck because with men, money or personality matters more than looks.


not so with girls, particularly here in america. many girls are told from a very young age that they're fat, they need to diet, etc etc. have you ever heard anyone tell a pre-teen male they needed to diet? me neither.


but i have known girls who from the time they were about 7 were told they were disgustingly fat, that they needed to get on a diet, that they'd never get a man and therefore would never have kids and therefore would never do what society expects of them, etc.


therefore, some starve themselves, others who don't have the will power to starve themselves eat then force it out of their bodies, via laxitives, throwing up, whatever.


so don't act like you're so fucking smart just because you think something. you really don't know shit. if you think PTSD for male soldiers is real (which is undeniable unless you're a nutcase) then you better believe that eating disorders for girls are very real.


yes fat people get amphetamines to help them thin out. some quack doctors will prescribe people who don't need drugs amphetamines to help them get/stay thin.


and there's no "good thing" about a disease like this, it can lead to throat cancer, decaying teeth and a number of other medical issues. if you know someone who's bulemic or anorexic you should encourage them to get serious help quickly and if they won't you should drag them to a responsible mental health facility, you could save their life.


and yes, i have a family member who suffers from this.

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