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as if there wont be planes

rockstar are irreverent, they dont care

they make games where you can run around and lops heads off with katanas, steal military jets and kill all types of government personnel

flying planes is a huge part of the game, too big to leave out considering the size of the gaming area

stupid rumours and nothing else

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there better be destructible environments. if i'm getting chased and riding shotgun in a car, i want to be able to blow a hole in the road so the pursuing car hits a pothole and does a flip, then crashing into a house and the occupants run out screaming at the burning wreck.


high expectations.

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as if there wont be planes

rockstar are irreverent, they dont care

they make games where you can run around and lops heads off with katanas, steal military jets and kill all types of government personnel

flying planes is a huge part of the game, too big to leave out considering the size of the gaming area

stupid rumours and nothing else


That wasn't a rumor. That was quoted from rockstar in the new PSM on the feature about GTA4...


They don't want airplanes because they want it to be more realistic. Although they didn't say anything about helicopters, which would fit better in a city environment.


I believe there won't be planes now. Although I am totally against it.


Sorry bud.

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Well because they want you to spend your time in the city I guess. The normal person can't steal an airplane.


I'm disappointed about it myself. I suppose helicopters are good too. But yeah, I guess they just didn't want them in this game.



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They need a Airwolf like helicopter I reckon. I used to love that show when I was a kid. I wonder how many girlfriends you will be able to get in this game too. Also, do you think they are going to bring back Claude from GTA3 at all? Stuff it, I'm gonna go and play SA again.

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My friend bought a ps3 off ebay about 6 months before its release. Its Japanese and will only play certain region coded games and discs. Plus he didnt get a warranty because its a japanese version, he also paid a lot more than its worth.


Impatience doesnt pay.


you can get a chip installed to allow it to play american games.

dont even count on playing any gta games on a japanese ps though.

i still havent played san andreas because japan refused to allow the game after the xxx was revealed.

i dont really recommend the chip thing though. i got it dont on ps1 and it was a bit strange.

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That wasn't a rumor. That was quoted from rockstar in the new PSM on the feature about GTA4...


They don't want airplanes because they want it to be more realistic. Although they didn't say anything about helicopters, which would fit better in a city environment.


I believe there won't be planes now. Although I am totally against it.


Sorry bud.


man planes are fun. i can't believe they're focused on "realism" when the backbone premise of the game consists of dragging people out of cars all day like it's no big deal.

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