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UFC & MMA thread

Blaise Pascal

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You seemed excited about something that was pretty much expected by anyone who follows MMA. Oh well. As for the Fedor/Hendo fight... I initially thought Herb Dean fucked up the call. The second time seeing it you can clearly see Fedor out. Shit's crazy. Awesome call by Herb Dean, one of the best refs in the biz.

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Like i said, just because its expected doesnt mean its not exciting. who doesn't want to see spinning back heel kicks and shit. i enjoy seeing some bum get a one sided beating every now and then.


oh and i almost forgot. Fucking Daley rolling for the omoplata with no time left! he coulda had that shit too!

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Note.. If using streamtorrent i reccommend using the run in Background when you right click on the stream.... then lock it... after that you can "open in new player" so if the player crashes, you can open up the a new one with out killing your transfers or the stream for everyone else




Streamtorrent Software clicky here


Gonna try i high bitrate for the Prelims... if not good enough will go back to the standard rate before main show... i just wanna see what happens...


Note.. If you have a slow UPLOAD PLZ use the flash links... this is torrent based i hope you peeps have figured out that upload is good by now.



http://www.nutjob.eu/ Flash... http://www.norwaysport.co.uk/Norgeidrett3/ Veetle

http://magictv.co/ Flash


http://www.cj-sports.com/ Low bitrate flash

http://www.premier--streams.net/ Flash

http://skycalcio.blogspot.com/p/stream-1.html Low bitrate flash

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^Retro UFC fights are the shit. Dont ever get rid of that tape, might worth something someday.



Saying MMA is better than boxing is dumb, so is saying that Boxing is better than MMA. Both have their own pros and cons. Boxing's the shit, if you guys hadn't noticed, the fighters with the most crispy clean punches are usually the ones who started off boxing and evolved into an MMA fighter. Same goes with other styles of fighting. It aint called Mixed Martial Arts for no reason.




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Anyone watch Bellator? The owner of the MMA gym I go to is fighting there Saturday (today/tomorrow idk timezones) Im not sure if his fight is gonna be on TV or not but its on MTV2




Lightweight bout: United States Andrew Calandrelli vs. United States Matt Nice[1]

Its local feature so Im almost positive that it wont be on but you never know.

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Hm I definatly dont watch UFC much anymore due to shitty match ups but as of right now..


I hate to say it but until someone beats him it does seem like Silva is the best right now.


Top 5?

1. Silva (very debateable, but the dudes yet to catch an L)

2. GSP ( boring fighter? yes, great fighter? The best

3. Rampage ( I still think hes better than Rashad, rematch needed)

4. Anyone else within reason

5. Jake Sheilds


Im a huge Fedor fan too, dudes the best.

Sad to see him lose 3 in a row after a career of almost utter invunerablity but hes still the greatest to me. Shame he didnt fight in the UFC in his hay day to shut the haters up, but hes beat plenty of former UFC champs.


Like I said, im no expert on the matter really

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He's been beat before.


I know, ive seen his record. I meant since his debut in the UFC


Again im no expert on the matter, and too lazy to Wiki it.

One way or another hes put alot of big names on their ass and has yet to have his streak broken.


No one is undeafeated

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Hm I definatly dont watch UFC much anymore due to shitty match ups but as of right now..


I hate to say it but until someone beats him it does seem like Silva is the best right now.


Top 5?

1. Silva (very debateable, but the dudes yet to catch an L)

2. GSP ( boring fighter? yes, great fighter? The best

3. Rampage ( I still think hes better than Rashad, rematch needed)

4. Anyone else within reason

5. Jake Sheilds


Im a huge Fedor fan too, dudes the best.

Sad to see him lose 3 in a row after a career of almost utter invunerablity but hes still the greatest to me. Shame he didnt fight in the UFC in his hay day to shut the haters up, but hes beat plenty of former UFC champs.


Like I said, im no expert on the matter really


It is sad to see Fedor losing his aura of unfuckwidability. It's like Crocop, went from this untouchable mega feared cat to numerous losses, tarnished his legend. Too many people today to pick em all. Like would 20 year old Royce Gracie beat a 20 year old Brett Rogers type debate or someshit.

GSPs last fight was hella boring but he has had some fukn awesome memorable ones too.

BJ Penn would have to be up there too. Arlovski maybe? Chuck Liddell for sure. Rampage? Yeah he was fukn good, better than Rashad but I dunno if he's up there up there

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