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my lady drinks these like water..me i prefer good ol' MGD's


i say we all arrange one big drink day.of course you have to meet up with others in ur city..I'm repping Los Angeles..818 to be more exact..drink on and drink strong

i am supposed to meet up the the sherock herself. its hard for me to get out on the weekends due to my jobie job
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I vote Some1 be kicked out.


Also check my last comment on the myspace.



Dude fycuck you like you know ssome1 I havent even spit hate on you in atleast 3 weeks shit, I went to see 300 t onightng anf I signed up for the 4somethin shwoing went to the bar at teh meoveie theater got wasted with friends missed the showing then signed up for the 730 shoiwing stayed at the bar then we were like niggas gotta eat then we went to TIGfidays ate missed the showing i just got back from the 1030showing at 1:06am i am still cocked ad i see this bull shit...



Ebph dude honestly there is no reason for this bullshit here especially if II am gonna contribute as mutch as I have told the founding member I will...



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Come on EB, with drunken posting like Somejuan just did how can he not be in the Team?


The website sounds like a good idea, can you let me in on some of your plans? We need more members on the team, so you fuckers need to let me know how to get on some whore trains or whatever the fuck those things on myspace are that let you get loads of friends.


Had some Skuttlebutt Shiraz Cab with tea tonight (Fillet steak of course!) at the pub (Left Bank Restraunt section). Fucken total hottie that served us, she was banging and thick in all the right places, with the cutest face. I might have to have a return visit. Good value too!!

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I drank extreme amounts of alcohol this weekend as well as cosuming large amounts of drugs.. The weekend is just a swirl and blur of highlights, but it did end with me and this check getting down.. But not how you may think. Because she is sleeping with a mutaul friend of ours there was to be no sex. So instead she busted out her toys and gave me one hell of show and I gave her my best show.. Basically we watched each other masturbate.





Team Alco

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i commend you on your sound man abilities....very nice. get nice and fuckered up.


on another note, im going to a bar tonight that i know there is going to be a guy there that i never could stand. fuck, im either going to drink way too much and rip his face off, or i am going to drink way too much and rail the girl he brings with him.

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got a 20th this sat night which is at some private hall with an open bar/free food deal which should be awesomely cheap. ive aquired a taste for red stripe lately, the bottle o on the way to work is doin some deal where you buy 2 6ers and get a red stripe ice bucket free.


might have to pick up that shiz on the way home tonight.

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I'm off to the beach.

4 Crown Lagers are going to be my lunch.

Nothing like the liquid diet, especially since I'll be visiting my mum for tea, so I know there will be a feast in place later, plus a few brews scammed from them, haha.

Hopefully there is some talent there.

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DO NOT BUY: Asolute Pear Vodka- this shit does not taste good with anything and I've tried mixing it up for myself and the lady with like 6 juices and sodas.


DO BUY: Milagro tequila - Drank a bottle of this via shots and margaritas with a few beers and woke up the next day with ZERO hangover. It's only about $30 but it is high quality 100% agave (real) tequila.



Special note: Tequila that does not say 100% agave on the bottle is actually up to 49% shit vodka. This is why good tequila does not really give miserable hangovers, while bad tequila is like mixing cheap liquor in a blender with a handful of rusty nails.

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I didn't know the answer...




Mezcal is a Mexican distilled spirit made from the agave plant, and refers to all agave based liquors that are not tequila. Its fabrication and consumption is closely associated with the Mexican State of Oaxaca.


There are many different types of agaves, and each produces a different mezcal. Tequila is a mezcal made from the blue agave plant in the town of Tequila and the surrounding region of Jalisco.

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My mezcal has a scorpian in it.

I have had it 2 years now, and never had a reason to crack it, but my 26th might be the day, unless I hit the XO again.


Ahhh, the sweet French goodness that is the Henny XO. But yeah, has anyone on here ever hallucinated from eating a worm??

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UWA is full pf so many posers

fucking wannabe graffiti person in one of my tutes keeps on bugging me, asking for sletches and shit

i told the dickhead to fuckoff, he was the epitomy of hipseter

with his tight pants and emoish fringe

i heart teh tav

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Yeah, fuck UWA.

Murdoch is where it is at.

I find it funny how so many of my mates from uni live in Nedlands and surrounds and attend Murdoch. And they hate all the faggy cunts who go there and think because they attend there it is like they live in such suburbs. This doesn't include you tango, but can I ask, do you live with the parents in Cott or are you renting?


I have to drive 20 mins to my mums house for tea, and am pretty much roasted. Oh well, at least I am a skilled driver and have nothgin to worry about.

/no jinx

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dont live in cott so to speak

live in mosmna park

with brother, and random people he brings home

only reason we live there is cause our parents have a house there so we doing the reduced rent thing

i feel like i wanna quit UWA

waaaaay too many jockstrap,wannabe writers

"look at me! i tag my arms with permananet marker! i get up!"


im there to get a degree and then im never looking back

have 2 assignemnts due monday and a 5000 word essay in weeks

drunk again

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You have it harsh.

Mossy Park though, sheesh, I hope you are near the crackhead flats so you aren't too much of a yuppy!

Anyway, I know what you mean about some of the UWA crew. They can't handle their drink from my experience, as they invade our Triple Crown and shit. You can smell their egos coming from a mile away. But alas, I just look at them like the tools they are.

Assignments being due can't stop the liquor consumption. I have a quiz tomorrow for a unit I only enrolled in today (4th week of semester). I wonder how I'll wing that one??


At least I don't have any assignments due for 2 and a half weeks.

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shit im gonna have to track down this Milgaro Tequila my friend that shit sounds lovely.


it isnt the same if it isnt 100% agave. i dunno about the whole hallucinating off the worm shit either. knew a fella that had the last of a bottle of scorpian tequila and thus had to eat the scorpian and he just passed out and couldnt remember much.


he mighta been too drunk i dunno but some people do say they trip a bit off the worm. never swallowed one myself.

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too close for comfort

i can walk down the street and score right now

but im not into that shit

illl stick with liquor thank you very much

i think my parents are the yuppies, im the stereotypical struggling uni student

with dwindling funds

i had 6000 after working all holidays

but my drinking has severely reduced that

im now drinking on a budget

but seriously, fuck those base heads

i can always hear weird noises from that block

and fuck the kid who tagged my roller door

who the fuck tags a housses roller door?

i feel like breaking his legs

i hate driving up to my house and seeing his terrible bright pink scribble all over my garage

<rant over>

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well its 7:40 here and i say lets drown our sorrows and get our feast on. fuck knows what im gonna eat tho im starvin.


might go play some total war 2 or something. nothin like taking over provinces and assassinating important worldly figures



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