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Man, what the fuck happened with this thread?

It was cranking, now it has gotten so off topic it isn't funny.

I just shot a XO in my tiger shot glass.

Pics to come.

Next door neighbour is having an engagement party.

That means free piss for moi. I am already half cut, but my fucking back is killing me. Do anti-inflamatory drugs work when you consume copious amounts of alcohol?? Plus, so you think I would get in trouble if I stole someones woman at this party? I mean, this chick has been checking me out and has resisted her man's attempts of making his claim known, as if advertising for me. I know the signs. I have been in his shoes before. But age has taught me.






or is it the liquor??

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Yeah, you should definitely do that godforbid.

There is no way in hell something aged for 12 years will taste the same as something aged over 25. Unless it's pussy juice, haha.

But yeah, if I had some $$ spare I would do it, although my extravagance on liquor is going to take a hit, as I have to conserve money after chucking in my job yesterday. 2 more weeks then I am out of there, thank fuck.

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Good to know.

But yeah, shit was doing my head in. Funny how I only got home so late because I was drinking with a couple of chicks and one who has recently been promoted was so defensive of the job, saying to me "Well if you can go get a better job like you say you can, do it!"

I was like bitch, "Of course I can, I just have 11 more weeks of school then my earning capacity rises by 20K straight away" all while she thinks jealous thoughts about me. Hahha

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i need a new pint glass

i also need to replenish my spirits supply...what are some of you suspect characters sippin on liquor wise lately?


just got home from work and settling into the pale ale. i cant imagine a night without beer it hasnt happened in quite a while i think id cave my head in.

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