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AyeBee got the proper bitches, I need an excuse to goto R.I


To party with your RI alter ego is the only excuse you need son haha


And I'm sorry Some, but we've been over this, no black chick for you...her and her sister were over last night though, and her sister is still up for grabs, so yodel acha boy

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Tonight had poker night with like 20 ppl ( a bunch of friends then some older ppl ) the pot was like 210 bucks a friend of mine won it, i got taken out quick.



But i had a bunch of beer and a bowl of some dank, so i was pretty fucked up.


got home 20mins ago i ate and chilled on the computer now im gonna crash.

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You are addicted to Sailor Jerry EB??

I can't remember the last time I tried Pepsi as a mixer.

But lately I have been getting pissed off with guests coming over, helping themselves to my beers, then leaving them sitting with a 3rd left in them. IF YOU TAKE A BEER ASK 1ST AND IF YOU GET ONE FINISH IT YOU FUCKS!!!!

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Yo EBPH, my roomate came home with two bottles of Sailor Jerry last night, all I could think about was you sweetie :)


That is, of course, until my other roomate came home with a huge score of free Popeyes.


Then I came walking into my room to find this...last night was fun haha


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She knows that shes mine right? Like you told her "Theres this random dude on the interwebz that owns you. He said he doesnt even care about Chris Hanson and he has blood lust so keep a weapon on you. Its cool though because he plays the drums" you said that right?

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Nahhhhhh...if my ex ever tried to leave the house in clothes that slutty I'd personally punch her in the fuckin vagina


I actually haven't talked to her in 8 days...last Tuesday I hung out with her, and the next day we got into a bad fight which resulted in me almost drinking myself into a coma, and yeah, that was the last contact I had with her.


Well, aside from the extremely drunken, rambling voicemail I left her at 4 AM last night haha

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I just watched the news alittle bit ago and found out that my boy's cousin just stabbed his girlfriend then stabbed himself six times in the throat. Dude is still alive and I'm staring at my friend as he is flipping out. Good thing I drank enough whiskey to find all this funny.


some shit like this just happened to me not to long ago.




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I just found out a friends brother had to get bailed out for beating the shit out of some guy and his mate stabbed a dude in the eye with a knife.

Fucking br00tal!!


Anyone have a torrent to the Streetfighter animated movie? The ones I cna find all have no seeders!

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