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that's definitely a "bro" kind of place, we should meet up some weekend.
yeah a buddy from work wanted to go. to much dudes tryin to be tough. ya we can party like rockstars. i know i am taking it easy this weekend. going to a concert on sunday though. taking two days off work and gettin paid for it
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grey gosse and cran.last fri then went to play black jack at el dardeo(sp). free drinks playing made my liver hurt real good.


i've been on the red goose and vodka thing..."can i get a red goose and vodka please?"


"what would you like with the grey goose?"


"red goose"


stupid things like that happen when you drink.

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After Six

Hey there Mr Bartender now have a little pitty on me

Time is rough and a fuss is tough and I'm where I'm not supposed to be

I'll give you my watch for a fifth of Scotch

If you don't make fun cause it don't run no better than I do after six


Hey there Mr Bartender lots of things are botherin' me

There's the hydrogen bomb in VietNam and I'm out of sigarettes since three

I'll give you my stickpen for a pint of gin

If you don't joke cause the diamond's broke

And it don't shine no better than I do after six


[acoustic guitar]


Hey there Mr Bartender you better get a drip on me

My pulse is slow when I'm about to go I need a little charity

I'll give you my shoes for a glass of booze

If you won't tell they don't smell no better than I do after six


(Oh, bartender I'll do anything for you I'll pick my guitar

Bartender you listen to me bartender)


This now my official drinking song before I go drinking..

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Our lager,

Which art in barrels,

Hallowed be thy drink.

Thy will be drunk,

(I will be drunk),

At home as in the tavern.

Give us this day our foamy head,

And forgive us our spillages,

As we forgive those who spill against us.

And lead us not to incarceration,

But deliver us from hangovers.

For thine is the beer,

The bitter and The lager.

Forever and ever,



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Our lager,

Which art in barrels,

Hallowed be thy drink.

Thy will be drunk,

(I will be drunk),

At home as in the tavern.

Give us this day our foamy head,

And forgive us our spillages,

As we forgive those who spill against us.

And lead us not to incarceration,

But deliver us from hangovers.

For thine is the beer, The bitter and The lager.

Forever and ever,





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