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are way better than taxi's... (and free)


I climbed on top of one and passed out, gpt bumped awake about a kilometer from my house. I started off about a bazillion miles away so that was fuckign awsweosme.






this can be the getting home while tottallly pissed thread because when you get mashed that shit just works out and you know it does. sometyimes you just end up walking home with a bunch of junkies or some mad drunk guzzlers give you a ride or you meet some russians who dont knwo wher ethey're goign either. But whatevr it always works out and if it doesnt it doesnt matte rbecause you're drunk anyway and sleeping under a tree is fine.



blah blah blah its 5:09am on sundauy mornding.



tell a drunk story

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i remember i was drunk and i saw some people were barbecuing in their front lawn one time this was at like 1am and i was hella hungry


so i ran over and jumped the fence and grabbed like a plate of this bomb ass chicken and cut out


i did that shit so sudden that i dont remember anyone trying to stop me or saying anything


they just sat their lookin at me with their mouths open




chicken was good


i should have gotten the recipe

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So.. Yeah this one time I was drunk.. I passed out or so that's what I thought.. When I woke in the morning I was naked and my door was open. Put on some clothes walked down the driveway and found my shirt, shorts and socks thrown all over the place.. Never did figure what happened..

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Wow sorry about this.


Don't think i actually passed out on it just layed down on the top for ages. Shit was baller as hell. I seem to have a blown up ankle now which sucks.



Cacash. Would have been awesome if you strolled back passed like an hour later, be all chilled and ask "yo you got that recipe??".

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One night I fell down 6 flights of stairs drunk clutching a empty vodka bottle... At the bottom of the stairs I tried to take a shot of vodka only to realize the bottle was empty and threw it against someones door then proceeded to stumble outside and pass out in some bushes... I would have just passed out on this roof we were drinking on except someone pulled the fire alarm..

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Last weekend my buddy got wasted off a liter of yukon jack while we were bbq'n back his s-10 into my truck then proceed to get his girlfriend that took off shit was funny smashed my license plate messed up his rear bumper. shit was a little funny the next day.

could you repeat the question?:confused:

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that reminds me of when i was in college living in a dorm and i got home hammered drunk one night and got home and decided to make ez mac without enough water....needless to say then entire room was engulfed in smoke and the fire alarms went off...now i lived in a pretty big building (picture queensbridge housing projects) and it was 4 am and the entire building had to be evacuated..everyone outside was bullsht about the whole situation so i played off the pissed off guy act but i got bopped for it...i got in no trouble though just because im a pretty witty guy.....i thought the whole situation was pretty good

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