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**The Dream Thread**


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Fuck, i get those uber-violent dreams from time to time too, and they scare the fuck outta me. The worst one I ever had involved me killing some kid in one of my university classes and then feeding chunks of his arm to a stray dog. :S I couldn't sleep for 2 days after that and then i'm pretty sure the sleep deprivation caused me to have auditory hallucinations, because i kept hearing background noise and voices when there obviously shouldn't have been any.. like when I put earplugs in to try and study. Shit was wacky.


Now I don't think I get enough sleep each night to dream.. and if I do, I certainly don't remember any of it. Probably for the best..


fuck man, freaked me out the first few times too. im just hella used to them now and the only thing that freaks me out is when they get some twist to them... bad news but nah i just woke up from some crazy dream... crazy. but not violent thank god.

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I usually don't 'dream' since I get like six hours of sleep a night. Night life + day shift = cancer. But when I do, the most vivid dreams are apocalypse dreams. Shit's mad crazy. I'll be on some boat off of Manhattan partying with my crew, and fucking Bubble Bobble when all of a sudden some wave forms off in the distance and just gets bigger and bigger. I can see it sink manhattan and then it sweeps towards the boat blasting through the cabin when my mind goes blank. I think I'm dead for like two seconds, then I wake up and realize it's a dream.


Usually when I have a death dream that day pretty much fucking sucks. Customers fist fighting employees, mom's calling on her period saying shit like she's fucking ashamed of me for nothing... just relentless agonizing bullshit all throughout the day.

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What the fuck i dreamt i was drinking at a bar and rza and raekwon turned up. They weren't together. Rza was drinking alone and raekwon was with some girls. Rza was about 17 years old hahah. Then someone i was with broke my jug of beer so i skulled what was rest and put a massive cut in my hand and ate the glass (watched too much david blaine on youtube before sleeping). I got a bandaid from an old school teacher of mine behind the bar, then walked home along the coast and saw two brothers i know.


Screw punctuation I'm too sleepy. Dreams are awesome.

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