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And by the way, rap videos are keeping the black man in the ghetto. All that bling has no resale value.


Could not agree more. I was watching that show "wife swap" the other night... well they swapped some huge fatass christian lady into this black man's family... well the black guy, he was one of those "the white man is supressing us, OPEN YOUR EYES to what's happening," kind of people.... it was so funny, everyone was just thinking, wow this guy is crazy as fuck, how did he live his life this long running around thinking that everyone's against him. Ain't nobody out to get you ol' important ass nigga. We have alot of shit to worry about other than someone complaining about the world that they percieve as unfair. Oh, it's also worth noting that he said, you know that 80% of people in our prison system are black, no shit.... maybe some of them should learn to follow rules instead of acting like fucking retards with 20" rims and sacks of dro, nahmean... fucking idiots. I know this is typical, but one of my best friends is a black guy, and he does not like that music, he doesn't like those stupid cars, in fact he's a mechanic, very smart, if you didn't know what he looked like, you'd think he was british if you talked to him on the phone.... my point being, alot of these people claiming they are "suppressed" and treated unfairly, they do it to themselves...


How would you like it if I set myself up for failure, blamed it on me being white, and then said it was someone else's fault. fuck outta here with that stupid nonsense.

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dude Dhabz... I feel as though you and vag are oppressing me and that is forcing me to sell dro buy 34inch rims for my camry listen to rap music and emulate people on BET...please stop or else I will get more than 3 babies mommas and show up on maury...

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Hahaha... man... it's not like that, I give everyone a chance, but my personal statistics show... that by living in Dallas, TX (murder capital), I see more stupid black people than I know how to deal with. There's stupid white people here, and actually the small suburb I live in is jokingly referred to as "little mexico"... I am not racist in the slightest, because you know what? Dumbfucks come in all colors.

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I try my best not to fuck with retards...except for the dude who came in my lane today. He looked right at me as we were side by side and stared at me as he came in my lane so I beeped my horn and threw my arm (not the finger) in the air as to say "WHASSDAMATTAWITAJEWAH!?" then the guy ran me into the break down lane. I sped up got in front of him and he gave me the finger and followed me off an exit and into wendys like I did something...

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i really could not imagine living there...although i do currently reside in las vegas which is pretty slumlord status in itself. coming from boston i consider this whole city to be "little mexico"... I'm not really racist theres just some things like these cars that i think are absolutely ridiculous.....

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Oh yeah, the definitely need to do something about how people are able to obtain legal drivers licenses.... do you really think the people doing this to their cars have the brains that god gave a goose when it comes to driving, fuck no, they're too worried about looking cool while someone's looking at them, nevermind swerving into that lane over there where there's a small economy car with kids being picked up from school in it. Oh, you know the other good one is "cruising" in the fast lane... take your v8 piece of shit with salad shooter rims back over to the slow lane before you blow it up for doing more than 55mph to get out of my way.... in fact, just go shoot yourself, you're not contributing to america.

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I saw a dude with a car like that and kept staring at the car.

Guy got mad at me and said "What you lookin at nigga"

Turned my head and thought to myself if he didnt want the attention on his car then why did he spend so much cash on making it look ridiculous.

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this is why we need foam bats...


Everybody gets one they come in different neon colors and could be the new accessory for spring 2007. Anytime you see stupid shit like these cars or someone selling drugs or a white dude at the gas station dressed in a baby blue velour jump suit matching air force ones and hat and drives a ford taurus and goes inside to get a soda but leaves his car door open open so you can can hear his shitty ass hyphy music blasting talk about licking some girls asshole so kids that air with moms can hear it then you go inside to see its this fuckin melvin with glasses and you wanna punch him in the face for being such a faggot and being so retarded but stop because you know it would be your fault going on you could just run up to the person and start beating him with the foam bat. Then he would fight back and this would commence till you both get tired of beatting each other with the foam bats and then you collapse on the ground take a nap and wake up refreshed with a new out look on life and then you go away...I am telling you this is how world peace with be made...nigga just needa foam bat...

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I saw a dude with a car like that and kept staring at the car.

Guy got mad at me and said "What you lookin at nigga"

Turned my head and thought to myself if he didnt want the attention on his car then why did he spend so much cash on making it look ridiculous.




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I am not racist in the slightest, because you know what? Dumbfucks come in all colors.


You know what man, this is absolutely true. It would probably require a different forum for such a thread to exist, but if there was one about lifting up your monster trucks, I'd be saying the exact same thing. Dudes are spending $2000 on some gigantic ass tires when they live in a trailer and feed their children with food stamps. Isn't there something wrong with that picture?


I can understand a desire to make something that you consider to be "interesting" or "cool", like these cars, it's a hobby and I guess it could be fun. It's not my taste personally, but I expect that what i find appealing is probably stupid to the guy driving the Heineken whip. The problem I'm seeing is that popular rap music culture encourages young blacks (and whites, asians and latinos) to waste their money on all sorts of ridiculous shit, and not pay attention to getting themselves and their families out of the situation that keeps them in the ghetto. If the $20,000 a year they put into their car, jewelry and clothes was put towards owning a home, getting a degree, or starting a business, I'd say it's a safe bet that the black community would have a much stronger voice in terms of spending power, real estate and economics, which would in turn give them a much stronger voice in local and national politics, which would empower them to get to the quality of life that they desire.


30" spinner rims and icy purple candy paint isn't going to put food on the table or get your mom a house without bars over the windows. Looking like the Ying Yang Twins isn't going to get you out of the hood. Nahmean?

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Yep, in fact it just attracts the wrong kind of attention. Those are the kind of cars that people target to steal... of course it's other dummy's that are into those cars doing it, but still, it's like wearing your fortune on your sleave, saying, this is what I've got, everyone can see it.... If you've known wealthy people before, you'll see that alot of times they dress conservatively, they drive a normal looking car, they may go home to a huge house that's really nice on the inside, but out in public, you don't want to flaunt your riches. You don't see the president running around in a shopping mall with no ss agents with him and a big sign above his head saying, "I'm the Prez.".... that would attract bad attention. Some people just need to learn some basic lessons about life and I think they'd be alot better off. The stupid shit that's aired on tv and on the radio is ruining American's culture, it's only going to get worse, and I'm not a pessimist, I just don't see anything undesirable keeping these people from continuing in the direction they're going.

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This one goes to all them Big Will cats

With ice on they limbs and big rims on they Ac

You goin' around town with your system bump

And your windows cracked low to profile and front

Now I like to have nice things just like you

But I'm from Brooklyn, certain shit you just don't do

Like, high postin' when you far from home

Or like, high postin' when you all alone

Now, this would seem to be clear common sense

But, cats be livin' off, sheer confidence

Like "Fuck that, picture them tellin' me run that"

But acting invincible, just ain't sensible

It's nineteen ninety-now, and there's certain individuals

Swear they rollin' hard and get robbed on principle

5 star general, flashin' on your revenue

You takin' a ride on the Downstate medical, Like (whooooooo)

Colorful sparks, yellow and blue

A full on attack and it's happening to you

Wit' nothing you can do but bust back and cop a plea

But five of them and one of you, that equals Got to me...



mos def said it best...


See I rock my beat ass camry with pride the dents broken glass spiral ghetto custom anntenna footprints on the hood and roof is my security system the tires that are too small for my car its all on purpose. I got my cd player ipod all my drums in there shit dont get touched.

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