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12oz prophet ghost story


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Re: 12oz prophet studio ghost story


I didn't say ORFN had better hands then philly writers. That would be idiotic. I wouldn't compare one writer who has nothing to do with philly to the whole city. I might of said I'd rather see orfn. But what I said was that he was up alot and has been for the last decade...




HAHAHAHAHHAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! Back pedal nigga!!!!!!!! You lying! and people seen you say this and now you're denying it!!!:lol:

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Re: 12oz prophet studio ghost story


Mostly from the garbage you posted in the philly thread, the fact that you're from philly which means you think you have hands on lock, which may have been true 10 years ago, if you're into that sort of thing, but in reality most of you do a tag that's shitty and 3 feet tall and think your shit don't stink.


And then going in other threads, such as the SF thread and talking shit about ORFN, who's done more work over the last decade or so then you could ever even hope to do.


Plus you use the word "herb" liberally and it makes you sound like you're half retarded...



Here is the thread if you wanted to check yourself...




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Re: 12oz prophet studio ghost story


Uh you did pop in and talk shit about people. That's why I brought it up. I didn't just bring up that you were talking shit about ORFN out of nowhere. I thought you said that I said that ORFN was better then everyone in Philly?


How many times do you have to be wrong before you feel like an idiot?

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Re: 12oz prophet studio ghost story


Yeah that's what I thought. It'd be funny if you knew who actually drew that. Which just goes to show that you're not looking at any kind of style or anything. I win.


So basically you suck so bad that you need other heads to do marker tags in notebooks for you? Like to give you pointers? And this is what you use to post in defense of your wackness???:lol:

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Re: 12oz prophet studio ghost story


Uh you did pop in and talk shit about people. That's why I brought it up. I didn't just bring up that you were talking shit about ORFN out of nowhere. I thought you said that I said that ORFN was better then everyone in Philly?


How many times do you have to be wrong before you feel like an idiot?



I don't remember popping in and talking shit in your thread. Can you refresh my memory by quoting me? And yes you did say that ORFN is beter than philly hands... to which after searching ORFN I was reduced to laughter.:lol:

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Re: 12oz prophet studio ghost story


No it's just what I post to see if you have any sense. It wasn't something I did. It was something a writer pretty much everyone knows and likes did. And you still tried to hate...


Here is you talking shit about ORFN even though nobody asked your opinion.


Yo check it out! It's that nigga Orfn, king of SF! Gettin hyphy!




10 Years and still writes with the style and can control of a 10 year old? Intentional? Is that his excuse that it's intentional? And you think that's hot?:haha:


So you said I told you ORFN was better then everyone in Philly. Which wasn't true. You said that you didn't go into the SF thread and talk shit about him for no reason. That wasn't true. You hated on something a pretty well known writer did as an exchange with me, (even though i haven't got back to him on that, sorry bud).


Winner. Dude seriously you lost. I'm sorry you can keep going if you want. But I'm pretty done with this. You seriously have the intelligence of like an eight year old. It's not even fun to argue with you because everything you say is so stupid it hurts my brain to read it.


Carry on.

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Re: 12oz prophet studio ghost story


I just quoted the post where I said anything about ORFN and philly. You were wrong. You talked shit about ORFN way before I ever even brought him up. Please feel free to search my posts looking for anything I said about ORFN and prove me wrong.



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Re: 12oz prophet studio ghost story


No it's just what I post to see if you have any sense. It wasn't something I did. It was something a writer pretty much everyone knows and likes did. And you still tried to hate...


Here is you talking shit about ORFN even though nobody asked your opinion.






So you said I told you ORFN was better then everyone in Philly. Which wasn't true. You said that you didn't go into the SF thread and talk shit about him for no reason. That wasn't true. You hated on something a pretty well known writer did as an exchange with me, (even though i haven't got back to him on that, sorry bud).


Winner. Dude seriously you lost. I'm sorry you can keep going if you want. But I'm pretty done with this. You seriously have the intelligence of like an eight year old. It's not even fun to argue with you because everything you say is so stupid it hurts my brain to read it.


Carry on.



No. This was what I said after you came at Philly and said that ORFN was better. Try again.:lol:

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Re: 12oz prophet studio ghost story


LOL. Seriously are you retarted. I posted the post where I said that ORFN has been painting for a decade. Nothing to do with him being better then the city of Philly.


For real man, do you have IQ issues? Or do you just read things and pretty much see what you want, dispite overwhelming evidence? It's like arguing with a wall. Except a wall is smart enough to not say anything, you're like a retarded wall that just keeps yelling things.

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Re: 12oz prophet studio ghost story


this is what u get when you google image search "philly orphan"




only thing missing is a cigarette in the kids mouth.


really, you were looking at the kid? because all I could see was that those pants are thin enough to reveal the 'landing strip'... oh HEY! as I was typing it scrolled down and I just realized there are words on that picture too...


*oh wait... I just realized that girl has a face too... is that Angeline Jolie?

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Re: 12oz prophet studio ghost story


LOL. Seriously are you retarted. I posted the post where I said that ORFN has been painting for a decade. Nothing to do with him being better then the city of Philly.


For real man, do you have IQ issues? Or do you just read things and pretty much see what you want, dispite overwhelming evidence? It's like arguing with a wall. Except a wall is smart enough to not say anything, you're like a retarded wall that just keeps yelling things.


Keep trying and failing. And while you're at it work on your hands.:lol:

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Re: 12oz prophet studio ghost story


really, you were looking at the kid? because all I could see was that those pants are thin enough to reveal the 'landing strip'... oh HEY! as I was typing it scrolled down and I just realized there are words on that picture too...


*oh wait... I just realized that girl has a face too... is that Angeline Jolie?


lol @ "landing strip"....i use "bacon strip" myself...yup thats angelina jolie, and her adopted son.

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Re: 12oz prophet studio ghost story


Yeah. I won. You know I won. But whatever you gotta say to save face.




Is that how your dillusionary retarded mind see's it? Just remember to call a "nigger" a "nigger" to his face. I'm sure after this you'll be hearing from some "niggers" when you see them on the street.:beat:

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Re: 12oz prophet studio ghost story


Ha... for some reason I just flashed back to this fight in 9th grade... this kid Dustin and I were talking and his cousin walked up and heard me dissing Ratt so he started talking shit... he was telling me how he was gonna kick my ass but, what I remembered is right before I punched him he said "My uncle's a Kleagle!"... and then I hit him and he fell down and into the lockers and kinda dragged his face down them as he fell... he looked BAD when it was done but I really didn't try to hurt him like that... still, I never had any problems from him or the Klan after that... well, maybe a little from the Klan, I fought two grips of skinheads over the late 80's/early 90's... fuck Otown!

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Re: 12oz prophet studio ghost story


I'm sayin. My bad for the thread jacking, but I aint the one that brought it up. I posted a ghost flick in a ghost thread and some salty cornball want's to start talking shit about my mans, I had to stick up for him.

I'm done hijacking this thread now.




my mans





chill out DMX




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Re: 12oz prophet studio ghost story


this is what u get when you google image search "philly orphan"




only thing missing is a cigarette in the kids mouth.



boots never looked so good




i thought "tagbanger" refered to the 'hoods going around, claiming gangs and repping their set, whilst

writing t3h graff... c'mon, i couldn't be the only one who knows this definition.




i hate the feeling when u tap ur ankle bone (inner foot status... the round ball bone thing) while skating...

that shit resonates for minutes with pain.. i hate that

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Re: 12oz prophet studio ghost story


In my hood tag-bangers are the dudes that claim to be writers, but don't do shit but get shitty tags up and try to start beef...


co-signed.....thats what i always new em as...writers who just bust tags but act like gang bangers.....the actual gangbangers that write their sets are not tag-bangers...theyre gangsters.

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