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Buying records from a dead guy?


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I'm just slightly creeped out.


I saw an add on craigslist for a record collection for sale,

and on further inspection, the guy is selling EVERYTHING.

It makes me think that someone died and this is an 'estate sale'.



Now were talking 150ish records from the 60's, 70's and 80's

so I'm willing to be there's a few super scores in there,

but I feel odd about offering $80 for a collection a dead man

spent three decades of his life putting together.



Let that be a lesson to you all,


when you die, your ipod gets erased and sold 'as-is'.

No one will fill up a crate with your mp3 emo-core collection.






I swear I'm not KOH, despite the fact this post could have come from him.

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2035? Damn bro... if you can knock it down to 2015 I'll put in a bid tomorrow.



9 more Years? I don't know man, I've got some shit I need to do still. We'll see though... This weekend, I taught myself how to use a chainsaw while standing on a slippery, muddy slope in the dark... 60 miles from civilization. If I keep up that sort of shit, you might get lucky.


*It's only about 25 crates right now, though, as that's one of the things I plan to be busy with.

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so it turns out it wasn't a dead guy.




just a couple of french/romanian yuppies well past middle age.

I ended up buying about 150 records for a hundred bucks and

some of the records could EASILY get me all my money back

if I sold them. There's a blue moody blues lp, and just too much to list.


At first I was kind of kicking myself for buying so much junk,

but after looking (and listening) again, There's clearly a big score.

Certainly I'm not buying any more records from white europeans.

I've got plenty of your souless classics. I need to find a Trini having

a big garage sale with soca littered on the front lawn.

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