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World Tard Center....teh movie


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well....at first i wasnt gonna go see this movie...but now im like fuck it.....its 11:47am right now...movie starts at 1:00pm....im gonna take one for the team and go see it....ill come back and let you know whether or not it was worth watching.....peace

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well....at first i wasnt gonna go see this movie...but now im like fuck it.....its 11:47am right now...movie starts at 1:00pm....im gonna take one for the team and go see it....ill come back and let you know whether or not it was worth watching.....peace


ok....so im back home now.... and it's 3:56.....the movie was bleh...i would just wait for it to come out on dvd....i didn't like it too much...it was mad depressing (which Oliver Stone said it ends on a good note....which it did, but was still depressing through the whole movie)...there is some christian symbolism in the movie which i think will further divide muslims and christians...it will respark old feelings white america has towards muslims (i wonder what dawood would think about this film)....and just for the record....the part where the guy dreams Jesus brought him a bottled water was GAY!....cmon..:shakehead:

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I seen the documentary where the guys were filming the FDNY when the shit went down and I thought that was pretty interesting. At least it gave me a feel as to how things really seemed. I'm not sure about watching the movie though. It just doesnt interest me considering we all pretty much know the story. I don't need Hollywood actors to portray it again for me...

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Re: World Tarde Center....teh movie


they already said oliver stone won't be trying to put propaganda and conspiracy theories in it. he said it's going to just focus on the heroism of those nypd officers, etc.


If he doesn't show a cruise missile hitting the Pentagon, demolition explosives taking down the towers and an F-16 shooting down a hijacked airplane over PA... then it is propoganda.

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Re: World Tarde Center....teh movie


Wake up? Try not jumping on the conspiracy theory bandwagon. Go read things with actual detailed data rather than ridiculous conclusions based on one shabby peice of half-information.


If you read things with actual detailed data you'd know that not only was the wreckage of flight 93 spread out over 5 miles, but that eye witnesses saw it get shot down. In fact I was at work listening to this shit as it was going down on the radio and people were calling in saying that a fighter jet just shot down a airliner over PA. This was neither varified nor confimed by the media afterwards... it just wasn't mentioned again.

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Re: World Tarde Center....teh movie


i agree. fuck those conspiracy theorists. people just don't want to admit/accept that there are terrorists that hate us. the logical and common sense explanations far outweigh the conspiracy theories in evidence.



Are you stupid? Of course it was the Terrorists that hijacked the planes. The government knew about it ahead of time and let it go down to fuel their agenda for establishing the "New American Century". Without 9-11 bush would have been run out of office for trying half the shit he's pulled since. We wouldn't be at war in Iraq or Afghanistan, there would be no "Patriot act", no domestic spying. I guaruntee that in less than a dacade there's going to be mandatory ID checkpoints where everyone's mandatorily checked for warrants all under the guise of "finding the terrorists". How you think they knew which plane was going to hit the Whitehouse---> the only one they shot down.

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Re: World Tarde Center....teh movie


If you read things with actual detailed data you'd know that not only was the wreckage of flight 93 spread out over 5 miles, but that eye witnesses saw it get shot down. In fact I was at work listening to this shit as it was going down on the radio and people were calling in saying that a fighter jet just shot down a airliner over PA.


Were those eyewitnesses as reliable as the ones who saw the plane smash into the Pentagon?

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Re: World Tarde Center....teh movie


Without 9-11 bush would have been run out of office for trying half the shit he's pulled since.


Um... hate to point it out but your argument seems to have a little cart/horse issue...

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Re: World Tarde Center....teh movie


Were those eyewitnesses as reliable as the ones who saw the plane smash into the Pentagon?



What witnesses? You mean the video footage of the missle slaming into it? The photos that clearly show no plane debris? Nor entre damage from wings? You mean the eye witnesses that said that whatever hit the Pentagon was practically skimming less than 10 feet above the ground before it hit and was moving way faster than a jetliner?

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well...it looks like its now turning into a debate rather then the movie.


just to give my 2 cents to whoever replied to my post in the first place, if you look, NOWHERE did i say anything about a conspiracy theory. I stated that there was no plane found, just a hole in the ground and very little debris. That is fact. If you look on the back cover of the movie Flight 93, you see a huge wing/engine section. That is a fact. You can decide what you want.


As for bringing in that popular mechanics magazine, your just adding more shit to ONE theory. Again, wake up.

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Dude, there's plenty of Pentagon witnesses that you guys always seem to want to leave out. Funny how you bring witnesses in on the flight 93 cause it supports your theory.


I'll just start with my best friend who was attending clases at George Washington University, not too far away from the Pentagon, and her entire classroom who heard the roar of the airplane engines flying overhead, and saw the plane (a large one) out the window. Shorty after it went out of view, she heard an explosion.


So unless that passenger airliner was carrying a deployable cruise missile and had a magic cloak that made it vanish out of thin air, I'd say the plane hit the Pentagon.

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Re: World Tarde Center....teh movie


If you read things with actual detailed data you'd know that not only was the wreckage of flight 93 spread out over 5 miles, but that eye witnesses saw it get shot down. In fact I was at work listening to this shit as it was going down on the radio and people were calling in saying that a fighter jet just shot down a airliner over PA. This was neither varified nor confimed by the media afterwards... it just wasn't mentioned again.


Where are you getting your data? Loose Change? Do you know that people can make a mistake? They can see something crash and assume something that they thought they saw? I prefer to see actual data from non-government experts with information that can actually be used. Those conspiracy theories are all based on little stray facts that don't mean anything without other data, or just don't mean anything at all.


Like "Jet fuel burns at 825 degrees, but steel doesn't melt unless its at 1500!!" :shakehead:


Ask any firefighter or any non bandwagon-idiot, and they will tell you that first of all, it gets a lot hotter when everything in the damn building gets lit on fire and all of the heat is trapped inside. But that part isn't even important. When steel gets up to 800 degrees it loses most of its strength and easily allows the floors to collapse. There's a whole major about this type of thing called "Fire-Science."

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Someone must have replaced Oliver Stone with a lookalike brainwashed by the same people that programmed Sirhan Sirhan.


i watched a documentary on sirhan sirhan.....crazy shit....he doesnt remember the shooting...so he says...last thing he remembers was going to the bar....but then again thats the last thing most 12oz members remember,,

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i don't think so. oliver stone is real leftwing, and maybe he's the type that would even through conspiracy theories in to it... but he specifically stated he will not use this movie to give his point of view about the attacks, but he'd focus on the more objective acts of heroism of these two officers.

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^^ That's why I'm saying it makes no sense that he's even directing it. Stone is always about extremism (Natural Born Killers), conspiracy theories (JFK), or anti-war/leftwing sentiment (Born on the 4th of July, Platoon). Straight-forward heroism movies just seem so out of character for him, especially on something as topical as 9/11 and the fall-out from it, in this case the literal fall-out.




Dude, there's plenty of Pentagon witnesses that you guys always seem to want to leave out. Funny how you bring witnesses in on the flight 93 cause it supports your theory.


I'll just start with my best friend who was attending clases at George Washington University, not too far away from the Pentagon, and her entire classroom who heard the roar of the airplane engines flying overhead, and saw the plane (a large one) out the window. Shorty after it went out of view, she heard an explosion.


So unless that passenger airliner was carrying a deployable cruise missile and had a magic cloak that made it vanish out of thin air, I'd say the plane hit the Pentagon.



C'mon, I says I wants ta be in the pictures.

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