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a different paranoia


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sometimes my friends get taken over by demonic forces..


i know what that bed thing is like.. when i was dying i had something like that happen to me.. tht thing behind you.. i felt that in this house i was living in.. when i didnt feel it behind me.. i saw it in front of me.


i dont know.. depends on how you look at it i guess

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i had a friend flip the fuck out tonight. to avoid drug talk, the gist is that he thought he smoked a piece of plastic that he really didn't. But became so fixated on the idea that it would do something to him that he basically created a small temporary neurosis about it. Made himself sorta jumpy, accelerated heartrate and shit. It's amazing that the mind has so much control over that shit. Took a while to calm em down. But we got it worked out and went on with the night.

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i believe that we created a mental prison... or something else might have created it.. this prison keeps us from becoming "!!GODLIKE!!"


i think if you do LSD... do it with a purpose to find some answers in the universe instead of trying to rip out.

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I had some problems getting sleep last year, and as I told about it to my roommates, the fuckers told me I should eat some pills. that was their solution. I told them to shove the pills, I knew it was nothing else but my head and I managed to think it off. Now I sleep like a stone...


Anyone here telling you to take meds should really consider their words. Unless your condition is caused by a drug or youre being harmful to other people you shouldn't even consider any medication... Think about eating a pill for the rest of your life to alter your mind and another one to adjust the effects of the first one. If your head plays tricks on you, I'm sure you can think it off with some intense concentration. I know it sounds stupid.


Just try personal introspection, you have lots of time you can spend for yourself. If you're feeling totally helpless, you should seek psychiatric help. But shit that happens in your head, it's not something you should wipe under the mat with some fucking pills. That's my view on things, sorry and thank you.




I myself have this thing where as i'm just about to fall asleep, it seems that I get too tired to breathe.

Then I suddently wake up, can't move my legs or breathe, just look around for a couple of secs and think "yep, seems that I'm about to die." my heart beats slowly and I feel like passing out. Then I manage to shake it off and things go normal again, but it happens again and again until I either get up or stop trying to fight it. Usually I just give up and think "bye bye" and wake up the next morning. However all this happens quite rarely.


I'm sure all you motherfuckers think I should eat a thousand pills and get a 5,000$ diagnose and a letter combination definition for my "problem". Like that would contain and control the problem?


in a perfect world, your ideas would solve everyone's problems. unfortunately, many people have psychological problems that are so severe that they must use a combination of meds and therapy, reguardless if they're "harmful to others".


psychological conditions often get worse OVER TIME, which is why people who need them benifit more from taking them as early-on as possible.


if JAZE is serious about his problems, and desperate enough to seek help on 12oz... he definetly needs medical attention and more than likely some heavy medication.

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in a perfect world, your ideas would solve everyone's problems. unfortunately, many people have psychological problems that are so severe that they must use a combination of meds and therapy, reguardless if they're "harmful to others".


psychological conditions often get worse OVER TIME, which is why people who need them benifit more from taking them as early-on as possible.


if JAZE is serious about his problems, and desperate enough to seek help on 12oz... he definetly needs medical attention and more than likely some heavy medication.




Meds hardly "sweep away" problems. Sometime therapy itself can work wonders, sometimes people also need medical attention.


People that think meds are just a way for big pharma to brainwash you, now THAT'S paranoia.


When I was younger I felt that pills were just an easy fix that would make you feel different from what you were "supposed" to. That if someone took a pill that it would make them a different person with an unnatural mind/thought process.


But if that difference makes the person feel better and allows them to better function in their lives then more power.


Help is out there JAZE.


Shit looks up.

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in a perfect world, your ideas would solve everyone's problems. unfortunately, many people have psychological problems that are so severe that they must use a combination of meds and therapy, reguardless if they're "harmful to others".


psychological conditions often get worse OVER TIME, which is why people who need them benifit more from taking them as early-on as possible.


if JAZE is serious about his problems, and desperate enough to seek help on 12oz... he definetly needs medical attention and more than likely some heavy medication.


I didn't realize I appeared to be solving everyone's problems. But I guess that happens when I'm drunk and tired on a interweb message board. I'm not against medication, I know they help etc.


But I guess I 'm just pointing out that sometimes it makes me sick when, usually sensitive and caring people with the best intentions, make their quick diagnoses and immediately tell a confused person that his/her problems has to be solved with a pill as soon as possible. It seems like you're not even listening to what the guy has to say.


After all JAZE came here, describing his condition very well. as his problems seem very serious and I actually agree on what most of you have to say, but I wouldn't underrate his efforts as signs of desperation. What he said he's going through was the real trouble, not the fact that he came here and asked for thoughts...



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I'll field this one. It looks like your a schizoprenic. Does it run in your family?


You should see a doctor and get klonopin or xananx for short-term symptoms, but you should also go on an anti-depreeseant like celexa or wellbutrin...



If the beans don't help, theres some stronger shit, but you'll become a walking zombie, which can be fun in its own way i guess...

Get me some xananx.......

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