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I applied it to my balls.


gerfall 5 days ago

fuck waterboarding, we can use this commercial on terror suspects.


sideburn260 2 weeks ago

Wait, they don't even SAY what it does?!


TheIncompetentia 2 weeks ago

@lovinggal23 First of, why would it be funny if someone shot her, it would indeed be headache relieving, but go to Libya and see how funny it is to be shot. Secondly, by looking at your channel and your odd little fact at the end i can see your probably under 13, and therefore should stay off of Youtube, why are you here?


zoo1619 3 weeks ago

I applied it 2 my tongue!! ...wait wat? i wasn't supposed 2? F***!!


acetwilighter14 3 weeks ago

@zoo1619 Ok... what do you want me to explain?


lovinggal23 3 weeks ago

@lovinggal23 interesting... explain please.


zoo1619 3 weeks ago

wow. nice and informative commercial. one question just where do u apply this?


Biohazard1997X 3 weeks ago

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