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quick camera question

Weapon X

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Should I get this camera? I've seen it for $369 (Canadian), which is a pretty good price. Does anyone else have one? I like it because it's really thin, and if there is one thing I hate, it's bulges in my girl jeans. Just joking about the girl jeans. :)

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  • Replies 60
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Hm. I saw one that my friend has thats thinner and nicer. Casio. Its like 7.0 mp and a huge screen and does video and everything you want in a point and shoot. Check those out too.



Yeah, I saw a thin Casio, but it wasn't as thin as this one. I think a 7.0 MP would be way outta my price range, though.


What's wrong with Sony pictures? I mean, it's got those Zeiss lenses, right? Are Fuji Finepix or whatever good cameras? I hear they're good for outdoorsy ruggedness type shit.

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Yeah, I saw a thin Casio, but it wasn't as thin as this one. I think a 7.0 MP would be way outta my price range, though.


What's wrong with Sony pictures? I mean, it's got those Zeiss lenses, right? Are Fuji Finepix or whatever good cameras? I hear they're good for outdoorsy ruggedness type shit.


i mean if you just want something to keep close and catch funny things or fr8s when they are around im sure it would be good.


i thought you wanted something extreme for some serious photos...


im shooting with the canon 5D and about to switch to the 30D.

im sure its well out of your price range but i only have it because photography is my major/job


i had a few snap shot cameras and what not and they all broke after 6months or a year.

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i would definately not go with sony.


check out any of the powershot models by canon. the newer ones are very compact and the image quality is unbeatable. you would probably want about the 5-6mp range. anything more is a waste of money for a compact camera.

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i mean if you just want something to keep close and catch funny things or fr8s when they are around im sure it would be good.


i thought you wanted something extreme for some serious photos...


im shooting with the canon 5D and about to switch to the 30D.

im sure its well out of your price range but i only have it because photography is my major/job


i had a few snap shot cameras and what not and they all broke after 6months or a year.


Jesus dude, 5d? This guy wants a point and shoot, not the fanciest of dslrs.


Dude, whatever point and shoot you get will be fine. They're all the same. Image stabalization would be a good feature for you to have, probably taking pictures of graffiti, right? Just check out reviews and make sure everyone is satisfied.

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i own this:


Panasonic Lumix DMC-LZ2


6x optical zoom with a lumix/lica(sp?) lens. 5.0 mega pixels.


its an excellent camera for outdoors but it sucks for indoor shots. Not many shooting features but its still very nice.


heres a good review:Click here

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I have some incredibly horrible, old, Olympus D560 3.2 MP camera.


This thing has been beat to fuck and still works. Even though some times it just beeps and doesnt turn on.


Takes decent enough pictures.


Im thinking about getting a new one in a $200-$400 price range.



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Get a Canon. I splurged on a 4 MP camera and my pictures come out better than the rest of the tools in Brickslayers. It can make even the most mundane and retarded pictures come out gold. They're 2 MB and 9x12 so you get amazing detail and clarity when you size them down. Here's a couple of examples:














That's all without any photoshopping other than sizing down, no filters at all and not even any tripods. Camera was $300 US.

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i mean if you just want something to keep close and catch funny things or fr8s when they are around im sure it would be good.


i thought you wanted something extreme for some serious photos...


im shooting with the canon 5D and about to switch to the 30D.

im sure its well out of your price range but i only have it because photography is my major/job


i had a few snap shot cameras and what not and they all broke after 6months or a year.



Why go from 5D to 30D?

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