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why did the wtc's collapse? conclusive proof


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he busts the doors down on offices and asks people to their faces, I dont see conspiracy debunkers doing that.


And yea, how can you lose respect for a man who's out to find the truth. Some of you people love to work against the grain of anyone who is out to make real change, some of yall act like you don't mind the way shit is fucked up. Like a baby comfortable wioth his surroundings, and the teddy bear gets taken away and youre upset.


Things change over time, embrace possible upset in your beliefs. Might be for the better.

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Because all those "questions" he brings up has already been debunked. He hasn't done the research. He asks questions that have already been answered.


oh come on dude, debunked? by who popular mechanics? that's like the white house debunking one of Alex Jone's documentaries, it's coming from the horses mouth...


i mean seriously now, debunked? whatever man. :rolleyes:

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I looked up this David Ray Griffin... dude has 0 background in structural engineering or anything related. Dude is a religious scholar & theology professor.


you had to look him up to know who he was?

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Neither are the guys from PopMech.


architects and engineers for 9/11 truth do, though.


right. Steven E. Jones would be considered an expert, but i'm sure you don't take any of his writing seriously do you huxtable?

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right. Steven E. Jones would be considered an expert, but i'm sure you don't take any of his writing seriously do you huxtable?



Theo and I argued about this endlessly for probably 40 pages. This thread and others.

I think what it boils down to is this: He also has some questions but for the most part

believes the official story.



Zig: Did you ever watch the movie "Who Killed John O'Neill"?

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right. Steven E. Jones would be considered an expert, but i'm sure you don't take any of his writing seriously do you huxtable?



You do realize that the physicists, structural engineers, and architects that believe it was an "inside job" make up a small fraction of physicists, structural engineers, and architects that side with the official story?


You do realize the 9/11 Commission Report was researched & put together by numerous people, including many scientists/engineers?


It's like you guys think that because there are some engineers that are also inside jobbers, we must ignore the countless engineers that believe the official story.

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You do realize the 9/11 Commission Report was researched & put together by numerous people, including many scientists/engineers?




I'd like to rebut this.


Senator Max Cleland, who resigned from the 9/11 Commission after calling it a "national scandal", stated in a 2003 PBS interview,

"I'm saying that's deliberate. I am saying that the delay in relating this information to the American public out of a hearing… series of hearings, that several members of Congress knew eight or ten months ago, including Bob Graham and others, that was deliberately slow walked… the 9/11 Commission was deliberately slow walked, because the Administration's policy was, and its priority was, we're gonna take Saddam Hussein out."








9/11 panel distrusted Pentagon testimony





Your thoughts on this, Theo?

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As far as the offical story goes.


William Rodriguez's testimony was omitted.


Someone who rescued at least a dozen people on that day including firemen and other emergency workers, was ignored. Why?


Because he heard several explosions go off before the Planes even hit the towers.


I don't need a physicist or any other kind of scientist to help me out with the obvious.



If you haven't heard this, I think you should listen, not very long at all.



I also posted the cover of the book, not to sway your opinion, because I know that isn't possible, you are going to have to come to these conclusions yourself, just like the rest of us here who do believe did.


I posted it just as humor.


I'm sure everyone here could go back and forth with information proving their side of the argument.


Not to mention the head of the commission report, admitted to basically lying. Or being told to lie.



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no, i've never seen that film.


so you only think things are legitimate when a majority of people support it? if a majority of people jump off a bridge are you going to follow them? lol


LOL @ you calling it a "film". Which reveals how out-of-the-loop you are. David Ray Griffin isn't really that known, so I could see someone not knowing about him, but the 9/11 Commission Report is the most known documents on the events of 9/11. Anyone that does their research would've heard about it. I mean are you really looking at both sides of the story when "asking questions" or do you just take Alex Jones & the Loose Change guys as the gospel? I ask questions too, but I look at both sides... I don't just ask questions that support a side I want to believe.

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LOL @ you calling it a "film". Which reveals how out-of-the-loop you are. David Ray Griffin isn't really that known, so I could see someone not knowing about him, but the 9/11 Commission Report is the most known documents on the events of 9/11. Anyone that does their research would've heard about it. I mean are you really looking at both sides of the story when "asking questions" or do you just take Alex Jones & the Loose Change guys as the gospel? I ask questions too, but I look at both sides... I don't just ask questions that support a side I want to believe.


I think he was talking to me. I asked him if he had seen "Who Killed John O'Neill".

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The super-classified network that served as command and control for the 9/11 false flag attack on America

By Wayne Madsen

Online Journal Contributing Writer



Apr 29, 2010, 00:22


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(WMR) -- Multiple U.S. intelligence sources have reported to WMR that a super-classified network with only some 70 terminals in select U.S. government locations handled the parallel command-and-control activities that permitted the 9/11 terrorist attacks to be successful.

The “above top secret” network bears the acronym “PDAS.” WMR has not yet discovered what the acronym stands for, however, the system is limited to only a few hundred people with Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) Special Access Program (SAP) need-to-know access, in addition to the president and vice president.

On September 11, 2001, PDAS was used to convey the information from the Air Force Chief of Staff to the White House, CIA, and other select agencies that the Air Force had successfully intercepted and downed a target over Pennsylvania. It is believed that the “target” in question was United flight 93, although there is no confirmation that the aircraft was in fact the one downed by Air Force interceptors.

The Air Force Chief of Staff on 9/11 was General John Jumper, who had become the top Air Force commander on September 6, 2001, just five days before the 9/11 attacks.

There is also reason to believe that the PDAS terminal at the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC) at the White House was used to coordinate the activities related to the aerial attack on the Pentagon. Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta claimed Vice President Dick Cheney was present at the PEOC at 9:25 am on the morning of 9/11, before the alleged impact of American Airlines flight 77 on the building.

Mineta testified before the 9/11 Commission that Cheney was aware of special orders concerning a plane heading toward Washington. Mineta said: “During the time that the airplane was coming into the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the vice president . . . the plane is 50 miles out . . . the plane is 30 miles out. . . . and when it got down to the plane is 10 miles out, the young man also said to the vice president ‘do the orders still stand?’ And the vice president turned and whipped his neck around and said, ‘Of course the orders still stand, have you heard anything to the contrary?’”

PDAS terminals are reportedly located at the White House, on board Air Force One, the Pentagon, CIA headquarters, the National Security Agency, the Boeing E-4 Advanced Airborne Command Post that was seen flying over Washington, DC, on 9/11 after the attacks, the Defense Intelligence Agency at Bolling Air Force Base in Washington, DC, and the Raven Rock Mountain Complex in Pennsylvania where Cheney hid out after the 9/11 attacks.

Mineta later followed up with reporters and stated, “When I overheard something about ‘the orders still stand’ and so, what I thought of was that they had already made the decision to shoot something down.”

It now appears that PDAS was used by Cheney to implement on the morning of 9/11 a new policy issued on June 1, 2001 that provided for a ”stand down” protocol that replaced a long-standing shoot-down order for hijacked and suspected hijacked planes. The new order transferred the authority to shoot down aircraft from the Pentagon and NORAD military commanders to the president, vice president, or secretary of defense.

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tanxxx go jump off a bridge.




on this new album i am producing I have a track that has some audio of firefighters talking about explosives or "charges" seemingly popping and bringing down the towers. First hand initial responders....saying they heard explosions. Firefighters stating that the buildings seemed to have been brought down by explosives.


that is what gets me....these guys fight fires for a living....in a huge metropolitan, and have no doubt fought fires in high rise buildings....but they are talking about explosives


anyway....so I mixed that audio in with some of GW talking about how we should not "accept malicious conspiracy theories, malicious lies" and another of obama saying something to similar accord.


my DJ is pretty much a follower...."you are voting for kerry so I am voting for bush to cancel you out" type of fucktard....anyway he was about to actually refuse to scratch on the track and he was telling people the next day how "dumb" i am for thinking that this crime was perpetrated by our own government.


i am always called out for my beliefs surrounding 9/11...but when it comes down to it, i stand by my theory, it fascinates me. the bay of pigs proposal to stage attacks on american soil in order to draw support for cuban invasion, all the data supporting detonation, there is just so much to question..


very interesting.


/end rant

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  • 4 weeks later...

I believe it was yumone who brought up the "Israel / Jews did it" argument often brought up in debates about 9/11 and NWO topics. I challenge you to listen to the entirety of this powerful interview between Alan Hart, and Alex Jones and if you still disagree with the possibility that 9/11 was a controlled demolition, based off the discussion in this interview come up with a rebuttal to their points.


part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

part 5
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