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why did the wtc's collapse? conclusive proof


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maybe this is a coincidence?


you conspiracy theorists lose even more credibility with this "fold the dollar" type shit. interesting, funny, but don't let it dictate your world views on a serious level.


conspiracy theorists, so obsessed with not being "brainwashed" or following propaganda like sheep, are actually among the most brainwashed, hoodwinked, closeminded, sheeplike people ever.

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Evil bearded muslim extremist terrorists hijacked planes and flew them into the WTC because they hate our freedom u dummys


true, however i think the "hate our freedom" part is more-or-less the stated reasons by the Bush Administration. it's more "good vs. evil" propaganda used to garner support -- if someone hates your "freedom," probably your most valuable, inherent, inalienable right, then of course you're supposed to support the "cause" that counters their motives.


there were many reasons why they did it. jealousy, envy, scapegoating, and frustration in their own lives and frustration with the state of the Islamic world as a whole. their stated reasons are the US's support of Israel, US military occupation on the Arab Penninsula that hold Mecca & Medina, and constant harrassment of the Iraqi people (no fly-zone, on and off bombings throughout the 90's, UN sanctions). On a more broader scale, and the ultimate goal, is they want to form a caliphate, one Islamic nation/empire across the Middle East that spans from North Africa to Indonesia. And the biggest obstacle to achieving that goal in their eyes is the existence of the U.S. as a superpower and their meddling afairs in the Middle East (supporting non-Islamic-fundamentalist governments, occupying lands), and of course the existence of Israel.

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huh? wait a sec dude...are you saying that we are turning a blind eye to what is so obviously a purposeful design, thought out decades earlier so a bunch of deluded conspiracy dweebs could discover it decades later and post it on the internet as proof of the illuminati?!?!?

one thing is for sure, it would be even cooler if that dollar bill fold actually had BOTH towers...i mean then it would be totally totally unfuckwithable proof.

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huh? wait a sec dude...are you saying that we are turning a blind eye to what is so obviously a purposeful design, thought out decades earlier so a bunch of deluded conspiracy dweebs could discover it decades later and post it on the internet as proof of the illuminati?!?!?

one thing is for sure, it would be even cooler if that dollar bill fold actually had BOTH towers...i mean then it would be totally totally unfuckwithable proof.


peace larry

i wouldnt be cooler,it would be more able to believe it is a prethought design.

but u dont have to wait till they have "we did 911" on the bills,u can see the bills are splitted by the way the folding is done,thus,two towers.

also from 5 to 100 in order,we see a patern?


i just showed this to see how would people react,and anyone with questions should get attention.


this was not to show u i am "smart", we have to realize evil exists and take action.



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i dont want to be skeptical, checking the evidence yourself clear the doubts u might have.

ive been studying them for a long time,but till like a year ago i realize its the only way to liberate ourselfs from their unjust laws,its not because i "like" this stuff,or its my "hobby".

educating people,and they educate others,in chain reaction,till everyone knows how evil they are and make justice,then we can enjoy some peace in the world.



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The simple facts of temperatures:

1535ºC (2795ºF) - melting point of iron

~1510ºC (2750ºF) - melting point of typical structural steel

~825ºC (1517ºF) - maximum temperature of hydrocarbon fires burning in the atmosphere without pressurization or pre-heating (premixed fuel and air - blue flame)





sorry, you said "melting."


you forgot to mention that for a building support to collapse, it does not need to "melt" -- only weaken. and steel weakens for earlier than 2750F -- steel begins to weaken much earlier. steel weakens at 50% at 1200°F. now refute that



Nothing to refute. You obviously believe whatever the government/press tells you. I just would like you to answer a question for me:


How/why did the South (2nd hit) tower, which the majority of the plane's fuel sprayed out of the side of the building, fall before the North Tower where relatively all of the fuel was delivered to the center of the building (support beams, structurally integegral parts)?


Keep in mind the North tower was his first and since it burned from the center could follow your steel weakening theory. Taking out one corner of the South tower with substantially less fuel at the core of the building should have cause it to fall first and ESPECIALLY not collapsing into the center of itself like it did.


Have you ever whated a cartoon where the lumberjack chops all the way through a tree until it looks like a V on its side '<'? After that happens, the tree falls the direction of the open end of the V-shape.


That was more than 1 question and I apologize.






of course you won't refute it, because you can't. the government or press didn't tell me this, i researched it myself. it's common engineering sense that a steel structure doesn't need to melt in order to collapse, it only needs to weaken.


as for your question, that can be easily answered, and there are a few reasons why the south tower collapsed first:


1. the second plane hit at a higher rate of speed, causing greater impact and structural damage


2. the second plane hit much lower than the first, meaning that was thousands of tons more WEIGHT above the impact zone that the building had to support, adding much more strain and stress to the building.


3. the second plane hit at an angle, on the corner. the 4 corners of each buildings have much larger structural supports that are much more important to the integrity of the building, than the smaller supports that run through the middle. more stress was caused to the building it was hit at the corner, causing it to eventually lean over and fall, and you can watch any video of the south tower falling and see the tower lean towards its corner when it falls.


your theory about less jet fuel "spreading" in the south tower is flawed, because you overrate the jet fuel. the jet fuel was merely the ignition of the fire. the jet fuel burned away quickly, and the fire that we saw was a result of the building itself burning -- each floor was nearly an acre in space, and that's room for a huge fire to grow. that's an acre of desks, furniture, couches, carpet, computers, cubicles, doors, wood, file cabinets, and anything else to burn. again, jet fuel burns rather rapidly and much of it burned away in the intial explosions. the fire was mainly fueled by the things on the building itself.


you're also ignorant in your knowledge of structural design of the world trade center, and the "support beams" and "structurally integeral parts" being at the center of the building. the world trade center's design was revolutionary when it was built, because the main support beams were actually placed on the OUTSIDE (where the planes hit). the inside core structure that run along the elevators is actually the secondary supports. the reason why the architects, engineers, and contractors put the main supports on the exterior of the building was to allow for more office space on the inside (as i stated earlier, there was nearly an acre of office space on each floor).


you can look all of that up yourself to verify. even after verifying, will it change your conspiracy theories? probably not.


and about your "lumberjack" theory -- the top part of the south tower did indeed tilt towards the side when it fell. it did NOT fall straight down. you need to look at the video again. it's more than obvious that the top portion of the south tower fell leaning towards the southeast (the side it was hit on). the top portion of the north tower did fall straight down since it was hit almost dead-center.


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I hate to wade into this mess again, but I was skimming through the new issue of Skeptic magazine at the store and they had a big feature on the 9/11 conspiracy. It sums up the most popular conspiracy theories (the loose change vids, etc) and looks at what evidence they're producing to support the theories. I skimed through the article, but it more or less confirms what the popular science and other debunking stories have said. no seismic activity to support the "blasting caps" theory, the towers dont colapse straight down, they infact fall in on the weakened areas consistant with how they would if they were hit by planes. The clouds of debris shooting out of the windows is caused by the floors colapsing and compressing the air not from the "blasting caps". They do a seperate interview with a demolitions expert who also covers all the other demolition related theories that have popped up.

In the end the writer talks about the people involved in the 9/11 conspiracy movement and their motives. he talks about the diversity of political views from left to right. the gist of what he says is that most of the conspiracy theorists are probably motivated either by either a sort of inability (or unwillingness) to understand the complexities of the whole sociopolitical background to the events, prefering to instead believe this (this is a gross oversimplification, but you get the idea), or they believe the conspiracies mostly due to a completely overwhelming suspicion and distrust of various goverment agencies involved or the governments themselves.


It kind of sums up my feelings on the debate pretty well. I'll probably wind up buying the mag later. This whole debate is somthing I feel really strongly about, but I feel like when I start reading this thread, I suddenly feel like my time would be better spent banging my head against the wall.


I'm not trying to belittle or insult anybody in here who believe this is a conspiracy, but I feel like the bulk of the people in here are really not willing to look at this objectively, and have such a deep rooted distrust in certain agencies that its not really possible to engage in any serious debate here.


lord_casek: politically I think we have a lot in common, but sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. just because the US goverment are vile corrupt scumsucking motherfuckers, doesnt mean that EVERYTHING is a us mastermined deception.


I think if anybody in here is serious about affecting any kind of social or political change in the world, the real work is getting people to see that the worst attrocities of this goverment (any government) happen in the bright light of day. infront of everyone. nobody sees them because they are cloaked by the dullness involved in reading policy, understanding how the little erosions lead up to the big problems. learning to view media critically, thats important.

And when people link "seeing media critically" to the thousands of basement dwelling conspiracy nuts cranking out this crackpot-looking material, it puts everyone back a step.

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lord_casek: politically I think we have a lot in common, but sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. just because the US goverment are vile corrupt scumsucking motherfuckers, doesnt mean that EVERYTHING is a us mastermined deception.


i agree. casek seems to think this is a black and white issue -- that if the US has done something wrong (and all governments have), then they must behind every bad thing that happens in this world. another example of him thinking it's black and white, was when he accused me of being a bush supporter, and for no other reason that i agree with the overwhelming evidence that bin laden/al qaeda were behind the attacks. again, it is not a black & white issue. just because you hate terrorists doesn't make you a bush supporter. just because you don't believe in conspiracy theories don't make you a republican/conservative. i have said since his 2003 invasion of iraq that i am anti-bush. i think in a perfect world, bush, cheney, rumsfeld, rice, and powell should/would be impeached and then tried for war crimes.


it would be different if these idiots never believed in bogus conspiracies before, and then all of a sudden they believe the WTC was an "inside job..." i'd take them a little seriously then. but they're not. prior to 9/11, they were still folding dollar bills, watching for UFOs, watching The X-Files/The Matrix, getting psychic readings, listening for "white noise" from ghosts, checking to see if their phone is tapped by the CIA, etc.... i saw something on Google Video where someone filmed around Ground Zero on the 5th anniversary of the attacks, and there were a group of people in black shirts that read "re-investigate 9/11." they wouldn't publicly take the stance that government was behind 9/11 (although that's what they really believed), but they said they were "unsatisfied" with the official investigation. then they filmed some of the black-shirt-guys speaking amongst themselves. one of them was folding a dollar bill and babbling on. another was talking about masons and secret societies. and on and on -- which brings back my point that these fools were in love with conspiracies before 9/11. it's just that once 9/11 struck, it became a conspiracy lovers' wet dream. it was a complete orgy of information for them to feast on.


casek told me early on in this thread that he's not the conspiracy type. i believed him. found out that was a lie. there must've been at least a couple dozen threads and posts from him since then where he unravels wild conspiracies and manipulated universes and inside jobs.

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I hate to wade into this mess again, but I was skimming through the new issue of Skeptic magazine at the store and they had a big feature on the 9/11 conspiracy. It sums up the most popular conspiracy theories (the loose change vids, etc) and looks at what evidence they're producing to support the theories. I skimed through the article, but it more or less confirms what the popular science and other debunking stories have said. no seismic activity to support the "blasting caps" theory, the towers dont colapse straight down, they infact fall in on the weakened areas consistant with how they would if they were hit by planes.


i'm not a structural engineer by a longshot, but even i have been saying this. without reading any "reports." certain aspects of physics is just common sense. the south and north towers did not fall the same way. the south tower was hit on the corner at an angle. the north tower was hit almost dead center. the south tower tilted over and fell towards its weakened corner, like a tree would if a "v" were cut from its side -- it leans towards that side.

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