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bro...you keep editing your posts...if u got something to say, keep it up there...this is what u had up first:


(pointing at TARGET) ^^^^^^boooo for you. I know some people that chumped your ass when you where in beantown.


Jick why dont you pm EYON again and try to piece shit up. or set it up. this is not an internet battle. you look so foolish. gassed up. little jick gettin too big for his britches




when the fuck did i PM eyon to "piece it up" he's beneath me...you dont get a title shot just because u want one, you gotta earn that shit...and yea, this is me being arrogant as fuck because in relation to you and your cartoon platoon you dont have the right to sit at my table. get mad, throw a temper tantrum like i keep hearing about, talk shit for months offline about how much of a biter or a bitch i am but the fact remains that im me and you're you and what that ammounts to is as follows:


without 12ozProphet's 3-4 threads nobody ever heard of you kids...u have done nothing to impact the game, youre a virtual nobody propped up by a website. u can say whatever fantasy u like about me, but the fact remains that ive put in my work and KEEP putting in work that people SEE. all over the country and world.


you or any of your friends wanna come at me, u gotta step up a little harder and make it worth my while because as of right now no one in your little team has ever burned a real piece of mine so why should i think u are gonna all of a sudden get better.


i repeat, you are beneath me. i talk at you online bored at work making my day pass with a chuckle.


you (or eyon) battling me would be the most important event in your careers, and you havent earned that right yet kiddo. step outside the bubble, get your weight up



show me a piece of yours that burns this:








shit...show me a 2 letter of yours that competes:




or how about this, u saw what i posted up above...you show me a clean train in 2 real subway systems and you got your battle...now sit back in your high-chair and let it hit you: you cant hang in my world...you're a joke i get to giggle about with real writers.


and as far as coming at TARGET, which was wise of you to edit out (cuz you're pussy) dont kid yourself. plenty of people stay in the minor leagues where they belong

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can i see some BEAT straight letters (he probably calls em throwups) from the highways in teh 90's?? that guy had straight letters EVERYWHERE, baby blue straight letters, u drive through 84 from NY and look right and u can see like 25 ghosts of BEAT plastering the walls like an advertising campaign...always looked up to that guy too when i was younger...had balls


i second this. where is the beat at??

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if you walk up to a pro heavyweight boxer on the street, all mad that you got BBQ sauce on your velcrow sneakers, and you tell him you want to go head to head in the ring...you think he grants you that shot?


B...you arent in the same class. i know you're upset, you probably got a wedgie from sitting so close to your computer shaking, but honestly...you calling me out doesnt take away all those clean trains up there...it doesnt make you compare to any of the pieces i posted...i'll bet you think it looks embarrassing that i wont grant you kids a battle, and it might to a few of the other cub scouts in here...but to the real writers of teh world...the ones that actually do real graffiti (for a definition of that look at the above clean trains) you're just an angry little dachsun barking at pitt bull that doesnt feel it worth his time to slap around. the real writers reading this see what u do, and they see what i do and they have their opinions.


anytime u wanna battle to feed that angry little toy soldier on your shoulder, just take my most recent piece and post it next to yours and start flapping. maybe that will garner you the attention you are seeking in calling me "scarred"...

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yeah cool dude lets have an E battle that will prove something to all the people you run your mouth to and then pussy out just like this...IF any real writers read this they would realize that you got called out by a so called " featherwieght " with the same amount of years in the game as you. I think its funny your scared. You wont even battle at a legal wall thats so homo. Just cause we didnt grow up rich in westchester didnt have digital cameras at 14. and dont drive that bmw doesnt mean we havent been around and didnt put in our work. go BACK TO NEW YORK you yuppy.

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ugh...this is getting tedious. ill visually define "work" for you again. if u have been painting as long as i have then damn...u should have more to show for your efforts and maybe be a little better. i pulled my BMW over in Scarsdale and did all these lol































actions speak louder...and these werent done on the internet

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ugh...this is getting tedious. ill visually define "work" for you again. if u have been painting as long as i have then damn...u should have more to show for your efforts and maybe be a little better. i pulled my BMW over in Scarsdale and did all these lol































actions speak louder...and these werent done on the internet


yaaawn i saw those like fifteen times already. not everyone posts everything they ever did on the internet damn your so e cool.. stop being so scared. walk out of your yuppy job get in your rich ass expensive cool graffiti writer whip and drive off a bridge. ..take your computer with you. along with that will go your E career. Im bored with this but just remember log it in your brain. YOU BIG JICKY.. king of the underground e graffiti world wont battle someone like a man at a legal wall to settle some homo eat homo e drame.... remember that.

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"quit recycling the same flix over and over tulip"











this was actually in Armonk, TRAP and i had just gotten through balancing out portfolios so we decided to hop out the 745 to do some yuppy tag banging

2478531112_8e0d4393ba_o.jpgthis is actually right acrossed frmo teh colf club where MAST and i learned the art of the Tee Shot...my butler played lookout


not many people realize that right above this spot is a helipad that the donald (thats what i call donald trump, he taught me our to fence) let us land on to do this spot in the south bronx...boy, you shoulda seen the look on JAES face when trump got out and dissed that PEN throwup


getting the old Cricket team back togather, me, MERK, TYKE and SLIN2. few people realize that TYKE took Silver in the olympics in '84


the name of this video is a bit decieving...Bed Stuy reffers in this case to a hamlet in Sleepy Hollow where FEone was a tennis instructor


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yeah cool dude lets have an E battle that will prove something to all the people you run your mouth to and then pussy out just like this...IF any real writers read this they would realize that you got called out by a so called " featherwieght " with the same amount of years in the game as you. I think its funny your scared. You wont even battle at a legal wall thats so homo. Just cause we didnt grow up rich in westchester didnt have digital cameras at 14. and dont drive that bmw doesnt mean we havent been around and didnt put in our work. go BACK TO NEW YORK you yuppy.



HAHAHHHAHAHAAHHAAHA!! Jick already won fool.. give it up. Stop trying to get cheap fame TOY.


and how are you talking shit trying to get Jick to battle someone else. WTF.. You must be really shitty.

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bro...you keep editing your posts...if u got something to say, keep it up there...this is what u had up first:


(pointing at TARGET) ^^^^^^boooo for you. I know some people that chumped your ass when you where in beantown.


or how about this, u saw what i posted up above...you show me a clean train in 2 real subway systems and you got your battle...now sit back in your high-chair and let it hit you: you cant hang in my world...you're a joke i get to giggle about with real writers.


and as far as coming at TARGET, which was wise of you to edit out (cuz you're pussy) dont kid yourself. plenty of people stay in the minor leagues where they belong



Chumped me when I was in beantown? First off fool it's BOSTON not beantown 2nd I'm from and live in Boston and as far as me getting chumped is comical. I would love to know who told you that. It would be entertaining to see how far this story can go. Lets here it pussy. LOL Ha I was chumped... that's a new one.




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yaaawn i saw those like fifteen times already. not everyone posts everything they ever did on the internet damn your so e cool.. stop being so scared. walk out of your yuppy job get in your rich ass expensive cool graffiti writer whip and drive off a bridge. ..take your computer with you. along with that will go your E career. Im bored with this but just remember log it in your brain. YOU BIG JICKY.. king of the underground e graffiti world wont battle someone like a man at a legal wall to settle some homo eat homo e drame.... remember that.


you act like you wouldnt want to have a yuppy job, thats pays really good money, and a "rich ass expensive cool whip" , if i could have a job that pays amazing and a sick whip, and still crush shit......i would be in heaven....so dont act like you wouldnt want that.......its not every one elses fault you drive a garbage truck for a living(no offense to anyone) and are extremely jealous of other writers who actually are KNOWN,and you never got out of new britain.....

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does anyone else find it weird that someone ive never even met before has this whole BIO created about me? (most likely wrong about most but ya never know)


-Knows how old i am

-Knows when i started writing

-knows what kind of car i drive

-knows where i grew up

-knows when i got a digital camera (that might be the best one)

-knows what kind of job i have


you wanna battle? fine...ill battle both of you at once. im painting a wall next weekend in Brooklyn, theres a smaller 3 man wall off the side of the adult production...ill take 2 hours out of my day and serve you both. i have no idea what EYON's name on here is so PM me for the address. lemme guess tho, not only do you wanna step above your pay-grade and think u have the right to battle a REAL writer like me...you wanna have it on YOUR terms don't you, somewhere in teh middle of bumblefuck connecticut that i gotta take 3 trains to get to, im not wasting my time having an away-game on a little league field when you dont even deserve my response...but here you go, your big shot at the big time but im battling you BOTH at once.


there they are , your terms, u wanna battle me fine, if this will shut you up for the week cool...come out to the wall (legal so u dont gotta worry about ACTUAL graffiti happening) and get smoked...

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