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the LOST appreciation thread!


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my theory


the water sayid was saved in leaves an "eternal" effect on the body. similar to richards scenario



Black and White and evil vs. good plays an important role with jacob and "the smoke monster". The smoke monster kills people that aren't important/ have no connection to the island. There are stronger powers and the people who have a "connection" to the island are essentially puppets for something way over everyone's heads dating back to the origins of the island. Also earlier on in the series Locke points out two game peices (black and white) to the little black kid (I'm blunted and bad with names)


As for..."They are coming!" and this new group of people on the island i'm pumped!

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(specifically mouse trap, chess and backgammon)


and here is a great hint at the "long con" the man in black has been setting up to finally catch and kill (or have killed) jacob.


"Well you start with all these parts off the board. And then, one by one, you build the trap – shoe, bucket, tub – piece by piece it all comes together. And then you wait until your opponent lands here on the old cheese wheel. And then if you set it up just right, you spring the trap."





oh and the expression on MIB's / Fake Locke's face:







honestly, i hope good things come for a lot of this cast because many of them are great at what they do!





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the smoke monster can apparently take the form of dead people and possibly living people, we still don't know that yet, but i suspect it's just dead people. so, "jack's dad" on the island wasn't really jack's dad, it was just one form the monster was taking for whatever reason. same thing with yemi, eko's brother, and every other suspect appearance by i dead person.

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side by side scenes from the pilot episode with LA X




they are saying that the differences should be noted.


reminds me of those highlights magazines as a kid that had those front and back covers where you were supposed to find the differences between the two, haha. that was cool to watch

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walt, was special. i think its been hinted he had powers of some sort. so, i think we really were seeing walt or maybe not. maybe the smoke monster can in fact take the form of people who are alive. after all, chasing after walt and vincent is what led shannon to her death.

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Dont know if it means anything but in the original flight jack was in row 23 and in the new flight hes in row 24.


But my question is why does the island not being around have to do with Claire and Shannon and others not being on the flight?



i think that the producers were saying something about faraday and the oceanic 6 didn't take into consideration what other consequences could/would occur if the "reset" was successful. so i guess they are hinting that, if the island sunk in the 70's (or later), desmond had nowhere to crash, widmore had no island to continue to look for, ben never became leader of the others and may have left the island as a kid later on, and who knows what else.


also claire was shown in the cab with kate. we don't know if she was on the same plane or not at this point. also, where are the rest of the 815'ers along with the tailies (sans bernard)?


the island seems to be the focal point for a lot of these stories. widmore was looking for it and one of the ways he tried to find it was by sponsoring a sailing race around the world, which desmond entered to try to earn widmore's respect so he could one day marry penny. des got the boat he needed to enter the race from libby, who he met prior to her getting on 815. maybe, in this parallel universe, widmore has no race to sponsor, since there is no island to find again. maybe something else happens to widmore and penny is never born. etc... etc...


with the island no longer there, lots of people would no longer be drawn to it, which would dramatically effect the story. exactly how and why, we have yet to see.

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yeah it made no sense to me either after i stopped watching the first few episodes and tried to catch up two seasons later. if you have the attention span to handle it and you watch it every week (or catch up on it via dvd's or for free online), it makes a lot of sense. that's not to say they don't intentionally throw shit in to keep you guessing, etc... the show is like a puzzle, it's like reading a mystery and hopefully lost's ending will have a solid payoff. people are jocking it because it's a good story, with solid characters, has an actual plot, and is well acted. TV doesn't see too many shows like that these days, so when they do pop up and are as exceptional as lost is, people notice.


i guess there's always keeping up with the kardashians or american idol for everyone else.

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