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ANIMALS! Control that shit...


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I got my parents to buy a dog in high school - they chose a pug. Jake is bad ass, he snorts and when I have girls over for family things he gets lipstick boners and snorts at them. I trained him (yes me) to shit and pee in a litter pan inside and to be able to be let out side to hang out and rome throughtout the hood but always come back. He is a cat in his easiness but a dog in all the cool ways. He used to look like this:





On my own I've never owned an animal, but I really think I want one. The reason this thread is being made is that I'm babyistting a $1000 cat in my apartment - its a designer cat. It has spots like a leopard, acts like a wild cat and is pretty much a cool animal that wants to kill you. The people I'm taking care of it for are great people but the cat bugs out in there nice house and shits on thousand dollar rugs. When he stays over here though, just like Jake, the animal loves me and does whaty I say. So, do I adopt this cat, being as I'm a drunk and barely home but command the respect and admiration of animals - or do I continue to make money baby sitting this thing knowing it could be more happy staying with me full time?


Read that? FUCK YES YOU DID...


I'll tell you more about the party which is the reason I'm cat sitting....but should I adopt the cat? I think the owners want me to have it.


<I couldnt get it to stay still for a pic so I'm going to beat it>

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man, you don't know wild cat until you met 'Kitty'... bitch is CRAZY! Siamese, plus she's mad. I;m one of 5 people this cat remembers and is margianally nice to, meaning I can actually pet her sometimes and she'll sometimes come directly to me... but, if this cat was a dog she would have been put down years ago... I can remember, back, WAY back, like 93, we were playing Sega Golf (EA PGA Tour, you know it) and homie Kieth fell asleep in the easy chair, nobody noticed until it was his turn but when we turned to him... here comes kitty, BOING! From ground level to scratchy furystorm on K's face! OH SHIT IT WAS SO FUNNY! and for NO reason...


and Kitty has put it on people left and right since then... she lives in Sacto now so if any Cali kids feel brave you can go meet homie Scott and the deadly cat... but no lawsuits.



Anyway, yeah, get a dog but nothing smaller or bigger than a springer spaniel unless you have a whole bunch of land, in which case I recommend a springer spaniel... or maybe a wolfhound...





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My cousin used to have a cat that he had trained to be like a dog. He trained it by beating the fuck out of it, but it worked. And it was an awesome cat. Then some really bad things happened to that portion of my family and the cat had to be gotten rid of (it wasn't about the cat, but no one could accomodate the kitty).


Also, I had an australian shepherd, and it was a great dog. I like big dogs, and mine was good and lazy, so she didn't need too much space.

Ideally, I want my next dog to be a Pembroke Welsh Corgi:



or a Doberman Pinscher:


And yes, I will clip that fool's ears and dock her tail.



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^this got me wondering about the differences between Brittanys and Springers because I've always thought the breeds to be sort of interchangable. I found out that the Brittany is the only Spaniel that points... though my Springer sometimes did point, that was usually a short precursor to her bouncing all around.


Anyway, I'm looking at this page with all these Spaniels on it and I found this labeled as American Cocker Spaniel.



I've never been a fan of Cocker Spaniels (too small, go deaf, to territorial) but BLUE? Holy fuck that's hot as hell! I want a blue Springer!


Here's the page if you are interested... none of the other dogs are fucked up colors though...Dog site.

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