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Ask an Aussie...


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over the weekend i talked to some Aussies


you all have a national day to beat the shit out of eachother? kind of like americas 4th of july.


just wondering if this is true on all coasts. i think this guy said he was from the west cost. but i was very drunk and might be wrong.

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over the weekend i talked to some Aussies


you all have a national day to beat the shit out of eachother? kind of like americas 4th of july.


just wondering if this is true on all coasts. i think this guy said he was from the west cost. but i was very drunk and might be wrong.


Nah. We have Australia day on January 26th. This years australia day saw a bunch of coked up, drunk poor excuse for australians riot in sydney against people of middle eastern appearance. Fuckin racist jokes.


do you know to throw a bommerang and have it come back to you


I can throw a boomerang, but I've never had one come all the way back to me. I must've been using broken ones.


how do you guys feel about wolfmother?


Jokes. Most of their stuff sounds like they've taken led zeppelin riffs and put different lyrics to them. That's just me though, most people love them.


why dont you guys tip?


Cause people get paid well over here and don't need to be tipped.

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He moved to australia when he was young and spent some time living on a farm somewhere. As for why, he was created as part of a series of check and balances to maintain the fragile workings of the universe. Without him, everything would collapse in on itself.

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You bet. A dingo will eat most things except, I believe anyway, Lindy Chamberlains baby. There's a dingo park somewhere in the country that's just gone bankrupt, but nobody told the dingos, so they're just roaming around on this big patch of land basically behaving like feral animals. There was crazy pictures in the paper of a dingo eating dingo babies, not lindy's dingo baby though.

There's also heaps of them on fraser island, in queensland. In fact, they're fucking everywhere.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro


none of you have any true insight (besides maybe HAL or like lens or that cop...possibly even Kr430n5 666 or some other wise old 12oz member)

Being an Aussi doesnt make you special or insightful unless you're mr. abc



This guy is the Lone DickRider (i know this joke is late, i just got around to reading the first page)

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Is Fosters really Australian for beer?


It may have been back in the 80's , At some stage it was bought by an American company and now it is only really drunk over seas, as it tastes like piss and we have much better beer in Australia.

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