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walmart fights


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My younger brother and some of his boys were in Walmart one night and a bunch of jarheads started some shit with them. This is all relayed from him. Long story short, they ended up squaring off in the parking lot and my brother grabbed a crowbar outta his car, beat the shit out of one of them with it and ended up being pushed into the back of a car where he smashed the back window out of it with the crowbar. Had to get stitches on his hand and go to court and the whole deal.

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it seems that we don't really have wal-marts in big cities. you gotta go out to the countryside or the suburbs to find em. we got one wal-mart in the city but it's not a real wal-mart cuz it's about the size of a regular k-mart or a Ross. the big ones i been to were like in the middle of arizona off the highway, or in the middle of mississippi on the road trip. filled with fat white trash, soccer moms, fat minorities, illegal immigrants, and more.

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:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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u guys have quiznos we have mc. donalds in ours i dont eat there and i dont stay in wal-mart long i hate it there ...........people are fucking rude makes you wanna knock everone the fuck out .... sometimes im tempted to run people over with my cart but you know it wont happen and when it does it will be all over the news.....

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i actually never step foot inside of walmarts.


the only walmart ive been in was in berlin when we were looking for a toilet, and we saw some toilet signs, so we follwed them, and they led back to the first one, we did about 3 laps before we gave up and went round the back.

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i seen this really big black woman punch this fob guy that works in the customer service section in the face for telling her that she had bratty kids...then she took the item that she was returning and countined to beat the guy with it till security came...


cops came, she got arrested, fob guy escorted in ambulance....



fucking halarious..

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