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anyone who actually writes graffiti doesn't walk down the street wearing what is basically a neon sign that says "i'm a vandal". it's just not clever


there is sooo much gear out there these days that is graff frillied up that you can't seriously think that wearing anything with graff on it says 'i'm a vandal'. in fact i would say graff culture is so permeated into youth gear that it says the total opposite...it says 'i'm not a vandal at all, i'm a poser trying to extrovert my street cred'.

i'd say in the last month alone i've output probably 5 new jobs to be screened on shirts with tag writing on them, 2 of them were for some little gay dance studios, another was for a rowing event, another for a high school basketball team...

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i searched the full 1 page of topics here and didnt see shit, so. hats.



i started this thread because im looking for a specific hat. its the boston hat as shown here:


only all black with gold trim on the B.

anyone know where to get one?


here's some more.




im from boston and i've seen that hat at lids.. im not sure if its because im in MA but im sure any lids would carry that hat..

not sure..

try googling lids

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so new era switched the 59fifty to 100% polyester now instead of wool and changed the sweatband from white to black as well as the bill from grey to black on the field caps. Im personally against this. I loved the way my fitted would gradually shrink to my head, now their shrink resistant. So if you liked the old style field caps, go snatch em up before there gone.

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