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whats your take on psychics? anybody have your forturne read?



seriousy. it was fucking weird. especially because she was just a customer i was taking a order for, who started talking about my life. SHE WAS ON FUCKING POINT WITH EVERYTHING. she said in 97 i had to say goodbye to alot of people, and start new. which is true, i moved from japan to new mexico. she said in 01 was a really struggling year for me. which is true, was a very depressed time in my life. she said in 03 i started saving tons of money, and looking towards my future. which is true, i was pregnant.she said 04 was a very sentimental year for me, that i was starting fresh. which is true i moved from new mexico out here. which everyone knows was to do better for my life and my son. she said in 05 was the best finicial year for me. which is on the dot, since i had never worked for such a long period, and i started having a decent amount in my savings account. then she said next year will be a huge change for me, i will start all over in my life and she sees really good things for me and big changes. which is already true, because ill be graduating and moving, and me and my man will be moving in together.



sooo... thats a lil weird right? anyone else have similar experiences?

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a former coworker of mine used to work with her. I forgot her real name..but she saw her at some party once and was like..yo whats up with that accent? I guess she keeps body guards with her too...



weirdass lady.

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I got my palm read before. She told me that I was having a lot of issues with my family and was trying to distance myself from them. It was extremely true at the time, however, I dont see how my palm should read differently from then. Unless my wrinkles grew or some shit. Wutevah.

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Guest imported_El Mamerro

This dude Konee Rok, if you're from Chicago you might know him, dude does hip hop documentaries...


Anyways, this dude is up at a bboy jam in Providence and we're just chillin around with a couple of people, and somebody brings up astrology. Konee looks straight at the guy in silence, then says, "You're a Sagitarius". The guy's all weirded out and is like "How the fuck do you know?". "I just do", he answers. He then proceeds to tell everyone in the group their sign, and we're flipping out pretty hard. And so we start pointing at random people far away in the crowd, Konee says their sign, then we call them over and ask them what it is.


The motherfucker nailed 13 out of 15. It was fucking uncanny. I have no fucking idea how the hell he did it.

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Originally posted by alure@Mar 22 2006, 10:09 AM

whats your take on psychics? anybody have your forturne read?



seriousy. it was fucking weird. especially because she was just a customer i was taking a order for, who started talking about my life. SHE WAS ON FUCKING POINT WITH EVERYTHING.



same thing happened to me. i helped some guy out over he phone at my last job and then he's like "since you did me a good deed, i'll do one for you" and proceeded to have my jaw on the floor for the next 20 minutes. only thing he asked for was my first name and birthday, and he came out with all this crazy shit about my past/present/future. i was stunned, and a little freaked out

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I have never had my palm read. A few years ago i was hangin out in downtown nashville outside of a fortune teller place. Some drunk girl came up to me and asked me if i read palms. I told her yes and charged her $5. I promptly used that money to buy some beers.

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Originally posted by count chocula@Mar 21 2006, 04:43 PM

i have a broken life line.

it kinda splits and they pass eachother.



when i had my palm read the girl was like "have you died?"


what kinda fuckin question is that..?



I have the same shit. I hate getting my palm read because everyone says damn, youre going to die. Or your going to go through alot of trauma. Mine seperates and runs parralel to itself for like .5 inches and then the first one stops and the second continues. Both are uber light however.

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Oh. My mom has this book about peoples birthdays. Its a complete analysis of what kind of person you are based on the day of the month you were born. Its absolutely insane how detailed and accurate it is. I have used the book on various people and had them sit there in awe about the whole thing.

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an Indian man approached my cousin in a cafe and offered to read his fortune. My cousin said , 'no thanks, I don't have any money', and the guy said I don't want money and proceeded to 'guess' things like his mother's name, which is 'Haidee' of all names, and other shit like you'll die in England at the age of 82. Since hearing that story afew years ago I've heard afew different people mention very similar experiences with strange indians dudes in Sydney predicting or 'guessing' shit unaturally accurately.


Of course, I don't believe any of it. They probably read your mail or something

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Originally posted by Mr. ABC+Mar 21 2006, 04:55 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Mr. ABC - Mar 21 2006, 04:55 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-the A squad@Mar 22 2006, 10:51 AM

on my palms both have these 2 lines that connect to make a 7


whoa, i have that too! you're the only other person i've come accross that also has this. i've never had my palm read, but i'd be interested to see what they'd say



Yeah its weird like, most people have the topline split off into 2 other lines....WERE GONNA BE RICH!!! thats what it means.

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FTPT. Haha. That always sucks. My ex told me early on that we would never work out based on the year of the rabbit and our astrological signs. I didnt believe her but i guess in the end she was right.


Oh but what is weird is she told me when we first started dating that this woman approached her in a grocery store and started telling her about her son. She said not to force religion on him and that he was going to grow up to be some kind of influential person. She then told her that if you dont believe me i see that your son is going to be attacked and bitten by a german shephard in the head when he is six.


When he turned six i sure enough got a call from the hospital that he had been attacked by a german shephard in the neighborhood and got his head and arm chewed up.

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My cousin was seeing this girl who was really into Signs and stuff. She said that they would match eachother perfectly and sent him like 50 horoscope articles about how theyd make eachother happy. .........I guess she was right considering that now theyyre both on house arrest and have the same PO.....ha

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