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my latop is kindve fucked and asked me to run chkdsk.

i did so. it said i have to restart to run it. i did so.


then i get an error message saying...

'cannot open volume' and something about ntfs.


ive tried disabling stuff at start up to see if it helps but i dont really know what im doing.


any help anyone?

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boot to safemode


go to the command line


start/run/ type "cmd" w/o quotes press enter


on the command line type chkdsk /f and press enter


from there it will say the volume is in use and can't be checked


so it will ask you run at boot y/n


type y and press enter


restart the computer


dont touch till done

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boot to safemode


go to the command line


start/run/ type "cmd" w/o quotes press enter


on the command line type chkdsk /f and press enter


from there it will say the volume is in use and can't be checked


so it will ask you run at boot y/n


type y and press enter


restart the computer


dont touch till done


cheers, i think that would have done the trick but now my fucking laptop keeps just switching off suddenly. its at any time, even in safe mode. sometimes when starting up. sometimes 10 mins in. If it starts switchin off, it tends to only really work for any amount of time if i leave it off for an hour or so/


Its still under 1year warranty so im gonna take it back but want to back up everything that is on it first.

am i best off just trying to copy everything and hoping the computer doesnt switch off before its done?

fucking laptop is a piece of shit.

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but prolly from what you are saying that it runs in increments its the cooling fan that is taking a shit on you


I think your right. it happens when running on battery and when its plugged into the wall. dont reckon it is the power supply because the battery is charged so it should switch to that if the power supply fails.


Also, this laptop always gets very hot near the ventilation gap, which i thought was a bit wrong but i never had any problems so ignored it.

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I think your right. it happens when running on battery and when its plugged into the wall. dont reckon it is the power supply because the battery is charged so it should switch to that if the power supply fails.


Also, this laptop always gets very hot near the ventilation gap, which i thought was a bit wrong but i never had any problems so ignored it.



you can rejuice a battery easily.

unplug the charger and use the laptop until it goes dead,

take the battery out and place it in a ziplock, seal,

the place it in another ziplock, seal,

stick it in your freezer for 24 hours, take it out, let it air dry,

then stick it in your computer and charge it.

may have to try twice.

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something wierd is going on....my internet IS working- but FIREFOX keeps saying "this page cannot be displayed"


I know its working cause im using IE 6 right now, and typing this.




how can i get FIREFOX to work/connect, and should i upgrade to IE 7 ??



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i haves two questions:


1. after being out of the office and working on the road for the past week i went back in and my computer was all fucked up (either from one of my coworkers or one of their kids fucking around with my shit).... nothing major (i dont think), but there was 5 IE shortcuts on the desktop and when i hit the IE icon it created more shortcuts..... so i just deleted them all..... but now when i click on a link in my favorites in IE it opens this site in firefox... i really wouldnt give a shit, but some of the vendor sites i use at work dont function properly in firefox... i changed my pw to keep fuckers out, and im taking the comp home with me to swap out some parts (including the hd) with one of my home ones, so i dont really care if it gets fixed cuz its getting formatted and used as a slave, but i would like to know how the fuck this shit happened.......



2. one of my 1gb flash drives is completely empty, but its only showing 726mb of free space.... there no hidden files and i defragged it twice... any ideas?



[/really long post]

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