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it could be a shitty video driver, but i'd lean towards your screen altogether going out.

a DIY replacement shouldn't be that hard. plenty of tutorials on the web detailing how to.


try something, update the videocard driver (if you can still see your shit on an external monitor) and then let us know what's up with it.


Upon a little closer inspection. The backlight is definitely out on the lcd. I can see the image projected, but it will not show through at all.


I think instead of replacing the LCD I am going to get ahold of a cheap widescreen desktop monitor and just run my laptop as movable desktop in my room. I think I may even just take the lcd off the laptop itself and just have the bottom half to work with.


I also am just using this as an excuse to buy a nice big monitor since the one on the laptop was dying anyways.


Appreciated thoughts though casek.

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I think what our good man is worried about here is evidence...


Not people stealing the photos.

Well somebody knows what is up.;)



Hmm, I have to make a decision, but then again, how can I bypass the diable right click option on a site I want to get photos from?


There are some photos from my ball on a website that won't allow me to save them. I have tried viewing the source code then getting what I thought was the photo link and trying that address but no luck.


Any ideas there?


And the question worked the other way too, if I want to get the photos from somewhere, as well as put my own photos up.

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yo I was just wonderin what program you guys use to convert your video files to put em on your ipod? i'm usin xilisoft ipod video converter 3 the trial version or whatever and you know how that goes...I can't even put a whole movie onto my ipod...so if someone could hook me up with a serial for that or give me a better program that'll do the job it'll be appreciated...

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Well somebody knows what is up.;)



Hmm, I have to make a decision, but then again, how can I bypass the diable right click option on a site I want to get photos from?


There are some photos from my ball on a website that won't allow me to save them. I have tried viewing the source code then getting what I thought was the photo link and trying that address but no luck.


Any ideas there?


And the question worked the other way too, if I want to get the photos from somewhere, as well as put my own photos up.


get firefox


click drag and drop works 90% of the time no right click view source works well in firefox fuck IE, the stupid asses that use that coding only block in IE not firefox when its last resort take a screen shot and just edit it with paint cut out what you dont want and there is yer photo

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yo I was just wonderin what program you guys use to convert your video files to put em on your ipod? i'm usin xilisoft ipod video converter 3 the trial version or whatever and you know how that goes...I can't even put a whole movie onto my ipod...so if someone could hook me up with a serial for that or give me a better program that'll do the job it'll be appreciated...





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host: login.oscar.aol.com (AIM

Port: 5190



host: messenger.hotmail.com (MSN

Port: 1863


host: scs.msg.yahoo.com (Yahoo

Port: 5050


Thank you very much. If you don't mind, how did you locate these, I tried a little bit but gave up. The method I'm using to block them is just through the hosts file and rerouting them to

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Thank you very much. If you don't mind, how did you locate these, I tried a little bit but gave up. The method I'm using to block them is just through the hosts file and rerouting them to




networking admin i had to learn them to block from people at work, talking and not doing there job

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is there any way to trick a flash game into starting at like level 25 instead of level 1?

i played that bowmaster game the other day up to level 25, but it only saved to level 11 cuz i left the browser window open and the battery died... i was having mad fun with the game, but theres no way im replaying 14 levels....


not really on webbased unless you want to download the code and have the game for yerself



if so i think there a firefox extention that allows you to steal the flash source code

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get firefox


click drag and drop works 90% of the time no right click view source works well in firefox fuck IE, the stupid asses that use that coding only block in IE not firefox when its last resort take a screen shot and just edit it with paint cut out what you dont want and there is yer photo


the easiest way around this IMO in IE is to VIEW THE SOURCE CODE (in notepad) then hit CRTL+F and search for ".JPG" and other picture file extensions...then copy the file path into the address bar and click GO!






Flick stealer oner...

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the easiest way around this IMO in IE is to VIEW THE SOURCE CODE (in notepad) then hit CRTL+F and search for ".JPG" and other picture file extensions...then copy the file path into the address bar and click GO!






Flick stealer oner...


not always its all depends on the code (thats the old code

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also, i think i got TROJAN.PEACOMM


norton is being gay....i actually bought it, but i bought it online and dont have the cd's (seriously) - plus their phone support is just as bad...



i scoured google, and yahoo answers but norton still says im not protected....i ran the scan in normal and Safe modes, and looked for the certain reg file in symantecs removal instructions, but it wasnt there....



any other suggestions before i go insane??



i think it was from the ALBUMTRADER FORUM...cause thats the only place ive been using for music lately..

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what is the fastest way to burn a dvd.. say from a avi file.. in nero they make you do menus and shit then it takes like 3 hours to burn..



what am i doing wrong my nigs





download "super video converter" and don't use menus. it's no tthat fast unless your computer is just badass



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also, i think i got TROJAN.PEACOMM


norton is being gay....i actually bought it, but i bought it online and dont have the cd's (seriously) - plus their phone support is just as bad...



i scoured google, and yahoo answers but norton still says im not protected....i ran the scan in normal and Safe modes, and looked for the certain reg file in symantecs removal instructions, but it wasnt there....



any other suggestions before i go insane??



i think it was from the ALBUMTRADER FORUM...cause thats the only place ive been using for music lately..





reboot to safemode ( restart and press F8) then run vcleaner.

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