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the IP adress and shit is set like that after i followed the instructions from portfoward.com site



this is what i mean how its going slow and it says FIREWALLED at the bottom while the download has a yellow smiley instead of a green one



and lord_casek, is it safe to post them IP adress' up in here?

if not il remove it asap

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had to take a breath and saw that you had replied. you're safe. have you got windows firewall on? that may be the problem.

you can allow azureus through that.


found this and it might help...


The steps are:


1) Log onto your router, mine was, IP address (http://<router address>, this is found in your network connection, under details). The IP address should be the same as your Default Gateway, DHCP Server or DNS Server, mine were all the same IP address.


2) After successfully logging into the router, go to Network Settings -> Virtual Settings (Port Forwarding).


3) Open your browser and type in http://www.portforward.com/routers.htm and search for your router. After finding the router, click on the "port forwarding" URL (it'll have your router name in it). Put this info into the router program that is running in the first window, i.e. label the name field something easy to remember why this setting is there and set it up both TCP and UDP using port 6881 in both port fields. Add and then apply. Logout of router.


4) Open the firewall program. Find your firewall instructions at http://www.portforward.com/firewall.htm. For example, Zone Alarm, go to Program Control -> Programs and highlight Azureus, then select Options -> Expert Rules -> Add Rule and name the rule in the Name field and change Track to None. Next go to Protocol -> Modify -> Add Protocol -> Add Protocol (leaving the setting "Any" alone. Now select TCP and UDP in Protocol field and put Azureus in the description field. At the bottom of this window you'll see two "Any" boxes. Highlight each, one at a time and type 6881 into both boxes. Click OK -> OK -> Apply, then exit Zone Alarm.


5) Open Azureus and select Tools -> Options -> Connection and input 6881 (if not already there) as your Incoming TCP Listen Port and input your hidden IP (192.168.10.xx, in my case, as your Bind to Local IP Address. Don't input the visible IP address that everyone else sees. Now Save settings.


6) You may or may not need to complete this step. This is optional, but enter the Windows XP firewall client or whatever is the one that came with your OS and set up an exception for Azureus, by setting up both a TCP and UDP rule for using port 6881, click out by using OK until all firewall windows are closed.


7) Exit all programs and reboot.


8) Click on a torrent or download the torrent file and double-click on it. If this was done correctly, the torrent will show up with a "green smiley" every time.


This may not work on a network if two or more computers are simultaneously trying to download torrents. In which case, the first computer to initialize the torrent download will get the green smiley and all others will still get yellow smileys (only if your bandwidth isn't large enough). On my 384 broadband connection, only one computer can use the BT protocol at a time and get green smileys. This was what worked for me, after exhausting research.


I hope that this can help any of your forum members. You may repost, add, modify information, but initial credit goes to the author, me. I hope that you can make a "sticky" on this. Sorry to bother you, but I have seen this problem countless times and always to those using this BT client. It took way to long searching Google to realize that "plain English" help for "noobs" isn't readily available. This is why I thought to recount my experiences in this e-mail.

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The Secret


A few years ago, a telephone fanatic in the Northwest made an interesting discovery. He was exploring the 804 area code ( Virginia) and found that the 840 exchange did something real strange. In all of the cases except one, he would get a recording as if the exchange didn't exist. However, if he dialed 804-840 followed by four rather predictable numbers, he got a ring!


After one or two ringd, somebody picked up. Being experienced at this kind of thing, he could tell that the call did't "supe" that is, no charges were being incurred for calling this number. (Calls that get you an error message or a special operator generallt don't supervise.) A female voice with a hint of southern accent said, "Operator, can I help you?"


"Yes" he said, what number have i reached?"

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"what number have you dialed sir?"


He made up a number that was similar.


"I'm sorry. That is not the number you reached."



He was fascinated. What in the world was this? He knew he was going to call back, but before he did, he tried some more experiments. He tried the 840 exchange in several other area codes. In some, It came up as a valid exchange. In others, exactly the same thing happened-the same last four digits, the same southern belle.

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He later noticed that the areas where the number workedwere located in a beeline from Washington, DC, to Pittsburgh, Pennstkvania. He called back from a pay phone.


"Operator, Can I help you?"


"Yes, this is the phone company. I'm testing this line and we don't seem to have an identificationg on your circuit. What office is this, please?"

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"What number are you trying to reach?"


"I'm not trying to reach any number. I'm trying to identify this circuit."


"I'M sorry, I can't help you."


"ma'am, if I don't get an ID on this line, I'll have to disconnect it. We show no record of it here."


"Hold on a moment sir."

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"What number are you trying to reach?"


"I'm not trying to reach any number. I'm trying to identify this circuit."


"I'M sorry, I can't help you."


"ma'am, if I don't get an ID on this line, I'll have to disconnect it. We show no record of it here."


"Hold on a moment sir."

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After about a minute, she came back. Sir, I can have someone speak to you. Would you give me yer number, please?"


He had anticipated this and had the pay phone number ready. After he gave it, she siad, Mr. XXX will get right back to you."


"Thanks." He Hung up the phne. It rang. INSTANTLY!" oh my God," he thought, " They weren't asking for my number- they were confirming it!"


"Hello," he said, trying to sound authoritative.


" This is Mr. XXX. Did you just make an inquiry to my office concerning a [hpne number?


"Yes. I need an identi-....."


"What you need is advice. Don't ever call that number again. Forget you ever knew it."



At This point my friend got so nervous he just hung up. He expected to hear the phone ring again, but it didn't


Over the next few days, He racked his brains trying to figure out what the number was. He knew it was something big - so big that the number was programmed into every centeral office in the country.


Hw knew this because if he tried to dial any other number in that exchange, he'd get a local error message, as if the exchange didn't exist.


It finally came to him. He had an uncle who worked for in a federal agency. If, as he suspected, This was government related, his uncle could probaly find out what it was. He asked the next day and his uncle promised to look into it.


When they met again, his uncle was livid. He was trembling. " where did you get that number?" he shouted. "Do you know I almost got fired for asking about it? they kept wanting to know where i got it!!"


Our friend couldn't contain his excitement. What is it? he pleaded. " What's the number?'




He never called the number again after that. He knew that hi could probaly cause quite a bit of excitement by calling the number and saying something like, "The weather's not good in Wasington.

We're coming over for a visit." But my frend was smart. He knew that there were some things that were better unsaid and undone

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