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Mexican Nationals with Explosives Sought


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Mexican Nationals with Explosives Sought

January 28, 2006 09:22 AM EST




By Sher Zieve – A Department of Homeland Security internal alert is said to have been issued for 5 Mexican nationals who were last known to have been heading to San Francisco. The five are said to have crossed the US-Mexico border.

The Daily Bulletin’s Sara A. Carter wrote that the bulletin was issued on 12 January. The quoted memo reads: "The source stated that five individuals would attempt entry by foot with an unknown quantity of plastic explosives hidden in the soles of their shoes. The report indicated the group's final destination is San Francisco. Once in the city, they are to sell the explosives to an unknown Iraqi national.�


A US Border Patrol Agent speaking anonymously, said: "The alert is highly detailed, and it shows that our borders are not as safe as the government wants us to believe.�



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sure, the only thing mexicans smuggle in their shoes is meth and hairnets...



did you know weed was originally made illegal as a way to stem mexican migration?



now terrorism is being used to the same effect, and with probably with same results...




100's of thousands of years of human existence has shown that human migration can't be stopped.

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immigration might be curbed but thered be a good number of soldiers being killed by drug smugglers


i can recall seeing this story of a truck being stopped by border patrol and veing found with a large amount of drugs.


the driver escapes and as agents are loading up their own trucks with the drugs, the driver returns with what appear to be mexican soldiers and federal police, they quickly take command of the situation and haul the truck back over the border to mexico





they also discovered a tunnel a week ago


if you cant go over, go under.

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yeah i thought as much too, all they said was 5 mexican nationals


no description, no names, and they said they were headed to sf, well thats a bit funny to me


usually when the government lets shit out liek this they have descriptions names, not bullshit like this


wait actually no


like bob said this is another scare tactic

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OH MY! troops MIGHT be in harms way if they do thier job! ATLEAST protection from invasion is there first and foremost duty, imperial overseas wars are not. im not worried about a couple plastic explosives, im extremely pissed the mexican MILITARY has crossed our borders dozens of times in the past year. what is being done? jack shit.

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national guard on the border. NOW. call up the militia. put more minutemen down there, canadian border too. i dont care how they do it, the feds are supposed to be protecting the country from invasion. see article 4 section 4. it wouldnt be a police force duty if the fucking mexican military is in our country would it? its time to stop looking the other way and just ignoring the problem or saying there isnt one.

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I agree they should just legalize weed... then we can free that 90some% of people incarcerated on minor nonviolent drug charges and with all the tax money we would save from that we could start buying better weed, thus promoting farmers in mexico to grow better weed, they will make more money so they don't have to prostitute their little girls and have their little boys doing backbreaking construction work for a dollar a day or selling flowers on the side of the road or tip toeing around with explosives in their shoes.

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Originally posted by villain@Jan 31 2006, 04:12 PM

I agree they should just legalize weed... then we can free that 90some% of people incarcerated on minor nonviolent drug charges and with all the tax money we would save from that we could start buying better weed, thus promoting farmers in mexico to grow better weed, they will make more money so they don't have to prostitute their little girls and have their little boys doing backbreaking construction work for a dollar a day or selling flowers on the side of the road or tip toeing around with explosives in their shoes.


50% of the people incarcerated are incarcerated for drug offenses. Not 90%.


I don't think we need a dumber population than the one that already exists.

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im personally totally against drugs, im also against increased federal power. i find no mention in the constitution for a federal ban on drugs. i believe it a state issue, per the 10th amendment. i also dislike so called "libertarians" who are only libertarian because they want drugs legalized. the philosophy is about decentralization of the federal government.

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Originally posted by villain@Jan 31 2006, 02:12 PM

I agree they should just legalize weed... then we can free that 90some% of people incarcerated on minor nonviolent drug charges and with all the tax money we would save from that we could start buying better weed, thus promoting farmers in mexico to grow better weed, they will make more money so they don't have to prostitute their little girls and have their little boys doing backbreaking construction work for a dollar a day or selling flowers on the side of the road or tip toeing around with explosives in their shoes.



they could start by just culling the male plants out

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I knew there was something wrong with that bitch giving out shoes at the border. Sneaky ass terrorist bitch.


I can only imagine a mexican terror attack. Ahhh the jokes that could be made.


Basically they have said that 5 Mexican guys will be travelling through Southern California for the next few days. This narrows it down to 5 out of 436,000,000. Fucking bang-up job you're doing.

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I think several things should be mentioned or put to rest in this thread. First, they are and have been trying to shut the border along mexico and the US forever...


Recently there has been a large increase in the amount of regulatory activity along the border by a group of citizens and "american militia" known as the minute men (naturally). These people are regularly patrolling the boarder with guns and shit of all sort.



Also, the concept of stopping illegal imigration is counterintuitive to low wage economy of the south. Texas specifically, is economically fused to the continual stream of ready workers coming over the boarder. Thus, we end up with a perfect example of the beginning of marx's fetishism of commodities. As labor is the sole "commodity" that an illegal immigrant can present to our current economy, a value must then be assigned to that commodity. Rather than the expressions Marx gives to assign value to a commodity, I will try to elucidate the way it seems to work for this specific example of labor we speak of.


Because they have no status as a citizen, the options as far as wage and occupational variety for an illegal immigrant are quiet limited. So it becomes a natural progression to try and get lower wage, labor based work. Here is where the intrinsic value of their labor is assigned. It ends up being the business owner who decides to buy their labor that determines the value of that labor. Assumedly it is the goal of a business, and its owner acting in its capacity, to maximize profits while minimizing overhead costs. Thus it becomes the only effective option to buy labor at its lowest cost. Because an illegal immigrant is more apt to accept a lower wage than a regular citizen, whom can move more freely within american society, and because of their legal status, they will accept any wage paid to them by the business owner. This then causes a drop in the wage a competing actual citizen would have to accept for the same job as an illegal imigrant. Thus the working minimum wage of Texas remains at the federal minimum of 5.15 an hour. Believe me, I know, I worked for it. Beyond this, 5.15 is the minimum wage assured to citizens of this country, think how much is then paid to those whom that security is not promised. This ends up as a duel edged sword. While from a business perspective it's awesome, it is the classic reasoning of how immigrants are "taking american jobs." Either way, this is only a purely economic reason from the business perspective, as to why the country is now tied to this "economy of illegal labor."


Beyond this there are other factors that affect our inability to break away from illegal imigration as a source of labor. There are also examples of how social factors affect this. It has become a self perpetuating cycle at this point. Because there is an association of people that come to america illegally as being lower or less deserving of life in america than anyone here, what they do becomes associated with such. Thus the jobs that are occupied by them are viewed as too servile to be done by a self respecting american, especially when those jobs don't present much economic sustainability vs a job less attainable by an illegal immigrant.


At this point the jobs occupied and associated with illegal immigrants becomes soley for them. Thus we find that we can not even think of cutting off the southern border, let alone trying to deport those that have already come here.




I think that there needs to be a very large reexamination of what it is to be a citizen in this country and how we attain that status. but this is not the thread for that diatribe.... yet

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do you wear a seatbelt in your car?


a gun is the same thing as a seatbelt. a "just incase"

all minute follow state and local carry laws.

close the border. why have a law if we arent going to enforce it.

its like the constitution, why even have it anymore? no one cares about it anymore. i can see a parallel with the domestic spying. its illegal. but hey, why dont we just let them do it because it might help?


my opinion? fuck that. shut the border. shut down domestic spying and take the asses to court.

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