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The Boondocks on [adult swim]


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While I'm aware of what some of the limitations of writing a syndicated comic strip

are, I was never a huge fan of it, really, until about a month ago, when the first episode

aired. I wasn't fully prepared for how hilarious the show was going to be..I'll admit, the

R. Kelly episode had potential for more, but 4 episodes in, it has failed to truly

dissappoint me.The definition of a "nigga moment" alone had me in hysterics..

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my friend Janer posted a really good critique of the show on her blog


here it is..


remember this is written by a female..not me


Way back in my single days, I was so in love with Aaron McGruder. Yes. I was reading his strips for a few years and then I saw his picture. It was over. I thought he would be an older Cornell West looking guy with the gray hair, the grizzly beard, and the booming voice. Instead he was this young, very attractive man. I don't know why exactly I started my post like that. I'm over the crush, but I am still a huge fan. I read a couple of articles on him after seeing his show on Sunday, and he is great. Very intelligent and no fear. That is usally a very bad combination when it comes to a Black politcal figure, but he chose the perfect way to get his thoughts and opinions out. A comic strip. Who would think a comic strip would be in the least bit threatening? Its only a cartoon. It was a brilliant move, in my opinion. But television is a whole new ballgame. You have to tread lightly, or at least I thought you did. To me, that show should have been a slap to the face of "The Man" if they were paying atention, but cartoons have that knack of being overlooked and underestimated.


I hope it will continue to be overlooked by them and paid close attention to by us.


I bet you're wondering who I meant by "us" and "them". I'm not talking about colors, people. It isn't always about that. There are just those who know, those who don't know, and those who are the cause of why things are getting more fucked up by the day. A revolution is coming and a lot of people have no idea. It's a scary thing, and there is no way to be completely prepared for it. I'm not saying this cartoon is going to prepare you for it, but it will hopefully let those who have no idea get a clue that everything is not all good. The world is still fucked up. Rascism is still alive, its just not as obvious as it used to be.


Now I bet you're thinking that I am making the cartoon out to be more than it is. Hey, maybe I am. For some things there is no gray area. I love it to death, or I hate it. It was a very good show and I saw some things in it that apparently a lot of people didn't see. This cartoon will not change the world. I just hope some of the "RIley"s out there will see what I saw.


On a lighter note. If I ever met Aaron McGruder...my boyfriend might be in little trouble. I kid!

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I havent heard the word "NIUKAH" said in a while..so the last episode gave me quite the chuckle.


I felt as though the comic strip was having a hard time because it looked like the guy was trying to hard to get the "message" out.


well the cartoon showed me that he was being restricted too mutch! and thankfully now he is able to get his shit out there and its damn funny.




oh and perfect hair forever and squidbillys are the funniest shows ever

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