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Battle? I mean those last pics said enough. What more can be said or battled unless they fight? and i doubt kafe would do anything in person, Sarge called him out a long time ago if I remember correcly


i dont ive a shit either way, ive said enough. its not my battle anyways.yall fight it out. all im saying is he's already proved he aint no punk. hes actually one of the few writers that is actually frm the hood. im donehere..


kafe you still suck. signing off.

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u sound like the idiot cuz ur referring to the wrong person. and if anyone sounds like an idiot its kafe. he talks shit to people he's obviously not better than, and ontop of that he's a bitch and wont do shit when/if he ever runs into them. Dek will stomp ur face and so will Sarge. and if anything gets dissed, its reallly on. cuz ive had pleny opprtunities to killu ur shit but i let it ride, cuz its personal nothing to do with graf anymore. but when i see you, its curtains. dirt nap.

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so your telling me that KERSE and SNAFU suck, cause their letters aren't "tricked out." nah.

you sound like an idiot sarge, you should just stop.


kerse and snafu are a totally different level. that comment means nothing...


im pretty sure that is also what nahmean meant in a way.

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dont forget i-95 miami,


or how bad you pissed off the ft.lauderdale grainer co.




just some less recent but more personal flicks i got on the case of Kafe,





and to the nigga talkin shit on him, idont know you, dont pm me dont respond to me, but you got balls to call a writer that paints every other day a chump, in most cases and where im from, your called a hater, and your necessary for glory,


so bump the last page giving Kafe the clout he deserves,

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fuck all that. bottom line is he talks too much shit thats why its personal. I would give the dude the benefit of the doubt if he wouldnt run his mouth. I mean I know plenty of wack ass writers. but they just continue to stay wack and stfu. not him. all im saying is he is not and willl never be better than the people he talks shit about. and for all the people talkin bout the work hes put in..so the fuck what. id rather see one nice piece than many garbage ones. for the time hes put in work you would think he'd be good by now. im done. i rest my case that kafe is wack and he's a bitch and yes im callin you out. so keep doging me. better hope i dont catch you in lville, thats all im sayin.


so continue with this wack ass thread. kafe pm me if u wanna discuss anything or else keep talking shit to make ur ass whooping worse.

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everyone just drop it. this is endless pages of non-sense.


we already know whos better than who. its clear by the pics sarge will tear kafe a new asshole on the graf tip(fighting too). we know who uses their keyboard to talk for them and wont do shit. and we know who defends people even when they are the one starting shit. if that was my boy, I would check him instead of defending him and lying to him that hes good. right is right and wrong is wrong regardless if he's youre boy. EVERYONE JUST SHUT UP


post more toy ass graffiti from louisville and everyone can be happy.

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this shit is just redic.


im not taking sides whatsoever, just sayin...sarge would handle both of the instigators in this case if it came down to face to face...so everyone should just shut the fuck up.


go cards! even though were going to get stomped all season in football.

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this shit is just redic.


im not taking sides whatsoever, just sayin...sarge would handle both of the instigators in this case if it came down to face to face...so everyone should just shut the fuck up.


go cards! even though were going to get stomped all season in football.




sarge would fuckin stomp em

correction... is going to stomp them

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