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Movie Recommendation Thread

H. Lecter

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Some of the greatest animation scenes I can think of in any movie~




that Buckaroo Bonzai film was pushed on me by the guy at the video store..

he said it was a "cult classic" and a must-see.. his breath made me think twice..

but maybe I'll look for it now~

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i havent been in channel 0 in a while and i dont feel like scanning back, but incase it hasnt been stated... the movie SHADOWBOXER (its out in theaters now) in case you thought of seeing it... save your time and walk in on your grandmother in the shower... graphic old lady junk.. cuba goodings ass... cuba goooding banging old lady junk... and people getting shot in the head... by the end of the movie i wish I had been shot in the head.... i still shudder at the thought...

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the grizzly man


a documentary about a pansy that goes out to the woods and thinks he can live with the bears. too funny to explain any further. im not going to ruin it but my favorite line is from a pilot that is asked about the main character. he is asked why dont you think the bears have killed him? and he responds "i dont know i mean they probably thought he was retarded or something and felt sorry for him."




the descent

>(cool movie poster)<


i wasnt expecting much more than a low budget b movie and was pleasantly suprised. not like holy shit i got to buy the dvd good but more like hey this horror movie isnt that bad i might just chill and watch it type. i also watched the cave which is the exact same premise but way better. interesting for films buffs to compare the 2 and see how not to waste millions on dumb backstory and useless boats and props.



survival island/ three 2005


again not awesome but more like descent, it passes the time without getting boring. a low budget film about a cruise ship that goes down and the only people on the island are an asshole millionaire, his wife, and the hispanic boat hand. they each try to get the wife to take the meat from only them. some weird voodoo crossover that makes no sense but all in all entertaining.

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Not only does this movie have a built in drinking game, but it also has zombies, sweet ass rock n roll, a couple hot asian girls, one of whom turns out to be a hot asian boy (/no homo), a moral, and all kinds of other crazy shit.


A must must must see.

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the descent

>(cool movie poster)<


i wasnt expecting much more than a low budget b movie and was pleasantly suprised. not like holy shit i got to buy the dvd good but more like hey this horror movie isnt that bad i might just chill and watch it type. i also watched the cave which is the exact same premise but way better. interesting for films buffs to compare the 2 and see how not to waste millions on dumb backstory and useless boats and props.




Are you saying the Cave is better than the Descent? Cause the Cave was fuckin' terrible and probably cost a shitload more to make than the Descent. I liked the Descent a lot, raw horror movie. Not a whole lot there other than the screams, but they are pretty loud screams.



And thumbs up to Snake Plisken.

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(after rereading) sorry my bad. to clarify yeah descent was way better than the cave. i downloaded both at the same time and i was suprised at how similar they were. the cave wasted soo much money on ships and soldiers and just sucked, descent did a great job with the budget they had. all i know is that youre never going to get me in one of thoughs confined spaces climbing through shit as a weekend hobby.

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Aye, I watched the Cave a few weeks ago and even though I heard the Descent was really good, I was still a little bit jaded about seeing it just because the Cave was such a bogus film. I really liked the Descent, though. You're right, same concept and yet the one that spends more money and is more extravagent is by far the lesser of the two in both scares and quality.

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Also more cool stuff from Bloodsport is when the asian kid calls Frank Dux (Van Damme) a roundeye and also when Frank's friend just got his head stomped in by Bolo and has to go to hospital for possible death or brain damage, we see him a few days later sitting up talking to Frank with a freaking beer in his hand he is sipping a beer in his hospital bed top class humour that guy drinks a beer in almost every scene he is in.

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