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Issac Brock

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Jeeeeeeeesus H fucking Christ...


Ethersock... Seriously...








HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! That's not my area of operation here, besides, where will everyone go for MSK flicks?


Once the relaunch happens later this summer, the mods will be hidden and there will be more of them. I suspect the reigns will tighten a little but technically I don't think anyone's committed a major offense.


Also, there will be an option to view flicks in a slideshow mode so you don't have to read the all the jibber-jabber which will be cool. Although, I do enjoy reading all the shit-talking in here...

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Jesus Christ I cant have a throwie running to save my life. no respect for that shit going on. had this talk with 2 fools the other day, also got no respect, coming from cats who don't even know there Detroit graff history. unbump these cali kats going over who ever the fuck they want to, like school yard bullies. bump real Detroit heads with knowledge of what this city use to be......saw some knew TEAD work today, it was refreshing to see, also dude had some words on the wall straight from the mother fuckin heart. bump

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draw dicks on all the msk.



problem solved.























































































































wait no, their from cali... that would just encourage them to stay, so whatever you do DON'T draw dicks on their pieces.. draw boobies instead.

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The same kind of problems have been happening down here since writers found out about art basel wynwood. The first couple of years it was a free for all for everyone. Local heads were so excited that we could write on something with out getting head cracked and robbed by the cops or a knock on your door by the gang task force a few days later. The excitement wore off quickly because of tourist going over locals and a lot of out of towners acting a fool. Lucky for us art basel is a 2 week invasion and poof they are gone. Since those days WE MADE it clear to the tourist (writers, art fags and wheat wasters) that's its our city and rules apply. I feel for you original D-town writers but the only way to stop this (if you really want it to stop) is with an iron fist. Bump the homies STORI n TEAD official D-ton killers.

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yo elemer! those spots your going over were street sides snax and i did. not legal, aka street side buster! fuck your peicing bullshit that was a ignorant ass move on your part. next time my shit gets fucked with and i call you up and your not man enough to talk to me about it, so instead you run your mouth, be ready to get smashed on you dont scare me one bit son.

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god damn... so much crying.




when did half of detroit become so cocky?


Damn near all the people i hear bitching about the out of towners didn't really even start painting that hard until they came here.


Sure, you did your fair share, but you don't have the clout to get all swingin' dick at someone who's flat out better than you, more up than you, older than you, and more respected WORLD WIDE than you. If you deserved that respect, they'd be out there painting with you.


Look at who those guys paint with, and you'll see where you stand for real on the food chain, the real "detroit writers" like dont, stori, elmer, gasm... you don't hear a damn one of them spillin guts on 12oz about how one of their fill-ins got blazed over by a production wall.


Dont like what i'm saying? Try taking a good look at yourself. Instead of puffing your chest out, try doing what "the real" "old school" "writers" used to do when they got fronted on, and STEP YOUR GAME UP. Are you up hard in multiple states/cities? Are you ahead of the game style wise? Do you rack more shit than you buy? Sure, you may be a tough guy, or racked a few tubs, shit, maybe even have a few nice spots... but you still don't compare to what's considered "real" now-a-days.


it's cool, you're some random home-towner just like the rest of us, myself included. Don't front, just be happy with what you have, and what you've done. Bitching only outs yourself as the jealous, bitter person you're becoming.



also, for the millionth time.


tags < throws < fillin's < straight letters < burners < pieces < production walls.


pretty simple.

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Who gives a fuck who you painted with, its abt respect.

Especially to fuckers who have nothing, n rock the bus to snag some shit.

You know where you started, act like youre better(Then again hah youre not frm here).

No one n detroit ever capd each other for the fuck of it unless they had a problem

n deth i know you can cosign.

Get off your high horse n get catch a grip on reality.

Its wack to observe this mentality change, should be interestn n a cpl yrs.

Trust me their aint no backtracking to where you already stepd.












This aint hate, more or less tired of the bullshit.

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tags < throws < fillin's < straight letters < burners < pieces < production walls.


I got tremendous respect for you, man. One of the sanest voices on this forum, thanks for being here.


But that dick on the water tower looks like something LUSH would do.


We got a detroit lush, but that other lush ain't been here. Yet. He follows me on the twitter, maybe I'll invite him to come to detroit and draw penises on graffiti that makes people butthurt.


draw boobies instead.


You're too late.


rime revok the seventh letter by ExcuseMySarcasm, on Flickr



spray gang... seduction... msk by ExcuseMySarcasm, on Flickr



chaos trav persue by ExcuseMySarcasm, on Flickr



revok rime by ExcuseMySarcasm, on Flickr

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