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Issac Brock

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all u cracka ass mufuckas say all that nigga shit.. but walk down anywhere n the hood n try that.. ..get ur hoe card pulled quick when u come down here.... think for ur self ...yall sound retearted as fuck my opinion naw fuck off an h8


last time i checked, NIGGER was our word first, and was used as a derogatory term to refer to a man of color who was below us. so everytime we see you NIGGERS calling yourself niggas like that shit is cool, we laugh at you. keep perpetuating the dumb NIGGER stereotype for our entertainment. no really, please.


now, who looks stupid in this scenario again?

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last time i checked, NIGGER was our word first, and was used as a derogatory term to refer to a man of color who was below us. so everytime we see you NIGGERS calling yourself niggas like that shit is cool, we laugh at you. keep perpetuating the dumb NIGGER stereotype for our entertainment. no really, please.


now, who looks stupid in this scenario again?



Racism is pretty stupid so I'm thinking that award goes to you, bro.

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Racism is pretty stupid so I'm thinking that award goes to you, bro.


my point is that black people say that shit like its nothing, but yet its still mad offensive to them at the same time. do you see whites going up to eachother and being like "whats up honky" ? do you see asians calling themselves gooks? no.. because its retarded as fuck. so anyone who wants to call out whites for looking stupid by saying nigga while saying it also needs to check themselves aswell.


but mostly i just like fuckin with yall.

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it's hot orange player...




and don't sweat, i can take a joke.



you know why? because i'm about me and mines.


that's the difference between the people who bitch on here, and the people they're bitching about...


the busters are only about other people, not themselves...


and the people those suckers be crying about, are about themselves.





when 12oz gets re-vamped, lets hope they throw us a moderator who's HEAVY on the ban hammer... i feel like quite a few of the people who suck very bad wouldn't have anything to do with graffiti if 12oz was gone.

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