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Issac Brock

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trying to call out noxer and ket for biting cross hatching just cuz your favorite "cool guy" writer is doing it? wolf AOK was doing cross hatching in the 90s man. reas too. so whoever you think they "got it from" got it from the above mentioned.


Ket and Noxer come to Detroit and paints a legal wall, they see the Brick with the cross hatching or whatever you want to call it, then you see the American made with the cross hatching the next day. It's only obvious where they got it from, but whatever. I'm just not a fan of Ket and Noxer's work and think it's lame that they come to a city and are going over people (whether it's dissed already or not) when there's plenty of spots in Detroit. I think they're just being lazy and disrespectful, but next time I'll keep my comments and opinions to myself.

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Ket and Noxer come to Detroit and paints a legal wall, they see the Brick with the cross hatching or whatever you want to call it, then you see the American made with the cross hatching the next day. It's only obvious where they got it from, but whatever. I'm just not a fan of Ket and Noxer's work and think it's lame that they come to a city and are going over people (whether it's dissed already or not) when there's plenty of spots in Detroit. I think they're just being lazy and disrespectful, but next time I'll keep my comments and opinions to myself.


"It's only obvious where they got it from, but whatever. I'm just not a fan of Ket and Noxer's work"


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amo you're a faggot. the only time you're hard is when you're deep. I will see your faggot ass sooner or later and you wont do shit. stand there like the bitch you are. and if you do actually swing on me, I welcome that shit. after I knock you out, or maybe before, I will smash out your whip with the fireboy. you're a bitch. you can talk all the shit you want about me nigga you dont know shit. but I know something about you, you're a fake ass wannabe gangster. just cause your people are hard dont make you hard. I welcome the day I see you. apologize deez nuts nigga.




HAHAHA FUCK U FAGGOT. like when u backed down to vomit when he called you out to fight him more than once and u begged for his friendship. u aint eastside.. your sterling heights. hahahaha

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I backed down to vomit and begged him to be my friend? yall niggas over in southwest

be huffin them del ray fumes a little to hard. and pak you can get the knocked the fuck

out in one hit anyday with your lightweight bitch ass. and if you got a problem you can

get your fucking spots smashed out tonight to bitch. there is one person in yalls crew that I didnt fight that I could of and that was reft, and the situation was handled before it even got to be a fight. but yall little faggots are missing the point...


and I aint keeping shit to pms, call you out to, pak come get some bitch, you fake ass wannabe folk gettin in a gang after high school fake ass bitch, amo come get some you sorry ass wannabe gangster, there are plnety of chill spots to meet up. and fuck your spots to, especially you pak, your shit a wrap bitch.

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gram stori, all day.


amo dog dont even speak in my direction. nigga you just keep talkin off shit that you know aint got no truth. I was scared enough to go get a little pistol, yeah. that aint scared nigga its smart. amo this is the last thing for real I got to say to your fake ass...I just said in front of everyone I will meet you at a chill spot to fight. if you dont accept, see you whenI see you. because nigga either way, you're still a bitch. get at me faggot.

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<a href=" Harsh title="Harsh by I Am My Own Trip, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6103/6282101728_321961f345.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="Harsh"></a>


<a href=" Photo 1 title="Photo 1 by I Am My Own Trip, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6043/6281586669_1337741c13.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="Photo 1"></a>


<a href=" Photo 2 title="Photo 2 by I Am My Own Trip, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6220/6282101586_0ae10013ea.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="Photo 2"></a>


<a href=" Packard plant fire title="Packard plant fire by I Am My Own Trip, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6211/6282101536_03c84b3463.jpg" width="375" height="500" alt="Packard plant fire"></a>

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