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Issac Brock

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i love how they fail to mention that me and coupe had those windows first...


or how coupe and fosik had the windows in that building on broadway.


99% of graff related articles fall so short.



Yeah, 'cause he really should recognize or mention you.

I'm sure the same way you'd keep track of his retarted bullshit, and would surely mention him in a news article.

In his mind your shit is just as retarted as what everybody else thinks of his.


That guy....not giving you props.:confused: Don't know what's going on these days.

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Yeah, 'cause he really should recognize or mention you.

I'm sure the same way you'd keep track of his retarted bullshit, and would surely mention him in a news article.

In his mind your shit is just as retarted as what everybody else thinks of his.


That guy....not giving you props.:confused: Don't know what's going on these days.



I actually wrote to Michael Hodges regarding that article and didn't tell him that I write ward but that I'm educated in the history of Detroit graffiti and let him know that his story was incomplete in that he didn't mention Gram, Fosik, and Coupe when talking about the UA. Also he failed to mention Gray and Riku in the windows of the Lafayette. I also offered him my contact information and said to feel free to reach me regarding any future graffiti stories so that I may make his information more complete and true. He responded....


"It's worth noting that Kevin never claimed to have painted all the windows at the United Artists, and went out of his way to give credit to Gram and Fosik. I had wanted to mention them, but that good intention got lost in the process of grinding the story out. So the fault lies with me, and not Kevin, who didn't hog credit in any fashion.


As for Riku, Kevin also cited her work as stuff he likes. The only reason she didn't get a mention had entirely to do with length, and the fact that I'd mentioned WARD. Of course she deserves her 15 minutes! It just came down to not being able to list every who deserved it.


Inevitably a reporter who's not steeped in a particular subculture is going to write stuff that strikes insiders as not nearly as complete as it should be. To some extent, that's the inevitable consequence of journalism. For example, I would have loved to mention Gram and Fosik (bad reporter!), but in the context of telling the Lafayette story to an average reader — which really is my audience, not other graffiti artists — their inclusion or exclusion is largely peripheral, though it might please the cognoscenti.


That said, wish I'd listed them! Cheerz and thanks for the thoughtful reply. Again -- all fault lies with me, not Kevin. "




I followed up and mentioned that it's kind of hard to believe he didn't have room to drop those names in there real quick and that the way I see it is even though we're not your target audience, if you're going to use us to sell your story then you should at least make it complete and true and give everyone the recognition they deserve. He hasn't responded again.

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5-five or whatever you want to call him, is a straight guy, and puts in alot of work for being an art-kook, if i'm not mistaken, trdl was hated on the same way, then a few people started chilling with him and liked him... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...


...hating isn't part of a balanced diet.

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fohr... go away.


i could give a fuck less about some random dude givin me props. or anyone for that matter. all the props in the world wont replace the feeling i got as me and coupe walked away from that building looking at what we did for the night. so again...nice try...but you fall short on pulling my card...once again.


for the record...i was not talking about kevin mentioning me and coupe...i was referring to the writer of the article. nor was i even expecting him to even mention it. my statement was referring to how this article about street art and graffiti is par for the course with all the other ones that are not written by someone who is connected to the community.

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It wasn't even about props anyway. It's about the fact that dude is gonna talk about the windows in these buildings but neglect to mention certain artists.


That's like when dudes come on here and post one flick out of an entire wall that was crushed at the same time. Why not cover all grounds?


I'd also like to note that I wasn't hating on anyone in any way. I just wanted his story to be more complete is all.

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