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The Skateboard Thread


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I always either got blanks or flowed boards from the sponsored kids. I like plain bottom boards anyway.

I always thought any board from the World Industries family (including Girl and Chocolate) were kinda flimsy. Also, what's up with the hot pink plies Girl's been doing?

In my opinion, Chapman wood is the best. I rode a lot of 5boro decks, ideal shape for me.


I think Louie Barletta is the funnest skater to watch. I also like Jerry Hsu, Marc Johnson and Chris Haslam. I like anything unusual, without the same old shit. Sometimes Eric Koston is fun to watch because he'll do random, weird tricks.

There's also that hippie-ish guy on Element. I forget his name but he has the best style. Real smooth.

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I always thought any board from the World Industries family (including Girl and Chocolate) were kinda flimsy.


Girl/Chocolate were never a part of World Industries. And were never the same wood.

I remember Girl/Chocolate bords were flimsy as shit when they first came out though, but that had to have been around 94.




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Yo I actually went skating this weekend. Some young ass kid asked me to play skate so I was like "what the fuck why not". The kid almost took me out too. Which isn't too surprising being as I don't realy skate these days. It came down to one letter and I took him out on a nollie flip. He asked me to teach him how to do that along with a few other tricks and so I did my best. He was landing everything I taught him by the end of the day. He was all psyched and shit. I asked dude how long he's been skating and he said a month. I was probably skating for 2 years before I learned how to kickflip and this kid just learned how to nolliflip in his big ass Nike hightop whatever they are in one day after a month of skating. Or so he says. I seriously hope he was lying to me. But then again one of the other tricks I taught him was a axle stall on a 4 foot minie ramp. So who knows?

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I'm gonna say that the moon boot shoe was the worst fad in skateboarding. I guess it's not completely dead, but i wish it were, and I place all blame and responsibility upon DC. I saw these DVS Tim Gavin shoes that were pretty sweet. Similar to the old Pumas. That was a little trend back in 1993, too. Skating in Pumas and Adidas Sambas.


I didn't mind the huge pants fad. It was kinda fun, and it was real easy to spot other skateboarders. Way better than this rocker tight pants neon pink spiked belt lameness. Or the ridiculous designer Nike shoes and colorways selected by a blind autistic retard with hydroencephalitis thing.




I SERIOUSLY have to cosign EVERYTHING you just said!

And by everything I mean EVERYTHING!

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Very true . :cool: I didn't take to the 90's like most seem to have . I in fact fucking hate Steve Rocco , World Industries and most companies that ditched all their vert/pool skaters for " street skaters " in the mid to late 90's. Santa Cruz I'll let slide because they were quick to see how much of a mistake they made . As far as Girl / Chocolate goes...I don't get it . I still say it's because of the region I live in . I'd say more than half of anyone 30 or over here are old school punk rock type guys . And none of us seemed to move on to the fads of switch-stance , and technical skating . For every kid out there doing backside 180 heelflips over a handrail , that same type can't even boneless anything which I find humerous . What can I say I'm bitter towards a lot of what I see skateboarding trying to get pushed into , like calling it a sport .

Put The Hate Back Into Skateboarding


Is what is says on the back of my car , and you know what I'm right . :lol:



I'm over 30 I was doing pressure flips and nosegrind to lipslides to nosegrinds to shoveit on curbs and ledges when I was 16 or 17. And Noseslide to crooked grind to noseslide to crooked grind, and late shoveits and backfoot flips when I was 17 or 18.

And not for nothing, but a bonless??? Any 5 year old that can stand on a skateboard can do a boneless and probably do it on their first try. Saying that skaters today can't do a boneless is like saying that kids today can't do jumping jacks. That's just retarded.

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I think a lot of people on this thread are bullshit . Products of the 90's and I fucking despise all of you .


And guy above posting , it says what it means . People in my age group and older would understand , certainly not anyone born after 1980 .


I seriously don't get how you claim to be from my age group, but speak like you're over 40.

Are you lying about your age or just lying in general?

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Yo CELT, you actually remind me of specific people that I used to skate with as a kid. They were all about street skating and flip tricks back then. They were the kids that had the baggiest pants, smallest wheels, skinniest boards and everything. You would see them doing pressure flips and noseslides to crooked grinds all day at Love Park. Nowadays (if they even still skate) you see them at FDR all dreadlocked out with tight pants and big wheels and 8+ boards all carving around and shit fronting like they're "oldschool". And heckeling kids for doing 360 flips over hips and yelling at them to "go back to Love Park".


Yeah... I'm calling you a fraud.

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My question to everyone posting or wanting to post in this thread . By sheer miracle tomorrow you are suddenly sponsored full-time by anyone you want . Who do you pick ? I think it'll be fun to see everyone's answers . :cool:




Personally I would pick a certain local shop where I'm at. Because their shop-boards are probably the best I've ridden in a long time.

Fuck all that dickeating corporate companies shit, which is basically what you're doing.

You're dickeating Blacklabel on some asthetics shit the same as some 15 year old kid might be dickeating Girl on some asthetics shit.

Just saying.

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How so ? Dickeating ? I was asking a serious question as to who would you ride for ? I could give a fuck who or what's popular . Yeah I could ride for WestSide Skates , which is 4 blocks from my house . This isn't a " who's better " thing , just merely a fantasy question . I'm just trying to see who rides what and other's setups . How hard is it to answer an honest question these days ? Just saying .

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Seriously. I always skated only street, because the nearest skatepark was a 45 minute drive and it kinda sucked. My ramp skills are seriously limited. I'd always just do kickflip to fakie and shit like that. I have no idea how to use coping. I can do rock n rolls and 50-50 stalls. That's pretty sad considering I was good enough to ride for a shop at my peak.

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i dont know.

ive been skating for over half my life and i am just learning how to skate ramps...

if youre not around ramps, how would you learn?



I'm just learning new things on the street from kids half my age and I fucking love it . Trying to learn Nollie Heelflips . Yeah that would be hard , I still say a mini-ramp is the easiest way into learning to skate Vert/Pools/Bowls . It's all practice and trial & error on where you put your feet and where you shift your weight . :cool:

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Seriously. I always skated only street, because the nearest skatepark was a 45 minute drive and it kinda sucked. My ramp skills are seriously limited. I'd always just do kickflip to fakie and shit like that. I have no idea how to use coping. I can do rock n rolls and 50-50 stalls. That's pretty sad considering I was good enough to ride for a shop at my peak.


When I started it was launch ramps , mini-ramps and maybe if you could get someone to tell you , an empty pool . Coping can be intimidating , because there's so many types used . I still love doing backside 50-50 grinds , and rock & rolls are still fun . And it wasn't sad , because you didn't have access to skate all types of terrain , don't kick yourself .

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I found this sweet little "ramp" between two parking lots last fall. Essentially they just filled in the space between with asphalt, and it happens to be roughly in the correct shape with a curb on top. It's like 2' high with super steep transition. You almost scrape your nose rolling up it. Lots of fun, but I fell pretty hard trying to learn disasters, so I went home.


Way way back there was this guy with a miniramp in his back yard. I couldn't have been skating for more than a year or two. This guy was kinda old, like old enough to own a house, and my friends and i would go there every so often and skate his ramp. I hated skating there because the guy was always drunk, his ramp smelled like stale beer, and had screws sticking out everywhere. His wife was really fat and smelled too. Like cheese and body odor.


Anyone know of any ramp plans for a really small QP? I'm thinking like 3' high x 8' wide. Something I could build easily, then move when I'm not using it? I built a low box, but it's kinda short. I should have made it twice as long. I might give it to these kids down the street, on the condition that they stop pushing mongo past my apartment.

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anyone remember Bob shirts? i loved thoughs shirts.

even though they tended to be huge and sometimes worn by raver dumbasses.

i had one with snoopy and the peanuts gang with charles manson as charlie brown.

also there was this one guy mariano with dumbo on it and it was a thin longsleeve with a hood.

probably the only time i actually bought clothes on a regular basis.

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