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The Skateboard Thread


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^^i'm with dog on this one. skateparks always bug me. i like natural street tranny --banks, dips, burms. i guess i always get annoyed with parks because there are rules, too many fucking people, and i usually feel like a rat in a cage. not to mention i can't take so many little kids going "can you kickflip that?" i punched a kid in his helmet one time, sure i was probably 10 years older than the kid, but he kept telling me how to do something. the fucking kid sucked, and was wearing a gi-joe helmet. so he kept talking shit, so i first told the kid to shut up politely, then he kept going. so i told the kid if he didn't shut up i was going to put him down. so he kept pushing my buttons, and i punched him in the helmet and knocked him off his board.


skating drunk at a skatepark isn't the best idea when you're having issues with your anger.


man, SK8 TV. skatemaster tate and that fucking red headed douchebag matthew lillard (sp?). i always thought that kid was a fucking tool. i used to have a tape with all the sk8 tv episodes on it. dressen killing that spine ramp, interview with templeton when he was like 16, all that shit was corny as hell, but we were lucky we had it.

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so let me ask you younger kids, is skateboarding still a "fag sport?" i mean when i was growing up, we basically had to deal with shit constantly. if it wasn't fighting, it was running so we wouldn't get destroyed. jocks, meatheads, townies, were always fucking with us. we were constantly having to defend ourselves from bullshit. is it still that way, seeing that skateboarding is so "cool" now.


can any of the older heads in here relate to what i'm saying?



well where I'm from skating means that you were that kid who would fuck shit up


jocks didn't care as long as you were cool with them and getting drunk with them


all you have do is party where I'm from and you'll meet everyone from anywhere


and with me

All I get is if I skate and thats cool

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jocks didn't care as long as you were cool with them and getting drunk with them


all you have do is party where I'm from and you'll meet everyone from anywhere


and with me

All I get is if I skate and thats cool



In a perfect world that's probably how it should work . But back in the mid to late 1980's , even early 90's it didn't .

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ive been skating since for roughly 17 years and tranny has never appealed to me at all.


same here, but as i got older, i found tranny to be more forgiving on my bones.

learning transitions at a later age is pretty fucking hard.

its pretty wack when i see a little skate park kid whos 11 ripping and i can barely drop into a 1/4 pipe.

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i haven't skated seriously in a few years. i'd love to be able to skate a mini regularly. anymore though, i've lost so much skill it hasn't been fun even trying. its a horrible feeling...


edit. that san jose park looks amazing. reminds me of the old wooden parks that were pure transition. no open flat bottom.

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What a gay-ass youtube video btw...


haha " get the fuck outta my way nigga!!!"



" add some gang gestures and you a true nigga"


shit made me laugh.

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Still waiting for the Skate Crawl video footage that was shot . Let's just say we all started back in the back of a U-Haul box truck . 13-14 of us at the start . 40-50 at the end of the night . Launch ramps , Cleveland-tight transitions , shady bars along the Westside of Cleveland , people being towed by rope from cars , taking over a gay bar and having everyone singing David Allen Coe...yeah I'll put it up when it's ready . :lol:

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if you've never seen blind video days, and you're not from that era --i wonder if you'd even respect it. that's not a diss on anyone, it's just how kids today probably think today. it doesn't have someone switch flipping a fucking monument on a dozer board, or some kid doing a switch crooked grind down a 20 stair rail, to heel flip out --while wearing bling and carrying a boom box.


it does have the gonz killing it though.


i remember the first time i watched video days. i think i shit my pants, didn't clean them, and instantly went out skating. it seriously was one of the most important videos for my generation. you can probably find it on e-bay. i think they might have even re-released it on dvd. i could be wrong though.

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^^^most definitely. sometimes when i see videos of younger kids killing it, today, i think they look a little stiff. i mean it's all good and sick and what not, but when you watch johnson and lee popping down that set of stairs --the shit just looks natural. like every turn in the ollie is just fluid, and natural. like they aren't even trying, they're just floating that shit.


and yeah, the gonz, nobody can touch that dude for what he's done for skateboarding.

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Originally Posted by earl broclo ESQ (View Original Post)


and yeah, the gonz, nobody can touch that dude for what he's done for skateboarding.


um maybe Rodney Mullen can touch him..


or Won Ton Animal Chin?


more recently though little Danny Way is pushing shit to a whole other level


no dis on the gonz, mad cunts 4eva!

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geomat --all those dudes you mentioned don't carry the same style as the gonz. that slob style, but the dude has full control and flow. mullen is good, technically, but you won't see him skating like the gonz. as for d way --shit, that dude is a universal skate machine. he can kill any style if he really needs to. i'll agree on that guy, he's definitely top of any list. i also think the dude deserves more credit than he's gotten --especially prior to his evil kineval days.


top 5 videos:


1. Blind video days

2. Eastern Exposure #3

3. Plan B Questionable

4. Plan B virtual reality

5. Streets of fire


it's hard to pick.


runner ups:


life's: a soldier story

welcome to hell

public domain

hokus pokus

real's "non-fiction"

stereo's videos


way too many to pick just five. i can't even say the list i gave is correct.

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i like how so many people on this thread are just old bitter fucks.


seeing that everyone loves blind video days --i picked up the milk cd that has "jason's song" --lee's song from video days "there's a war outside of your window" and "knife song" --the song he skates to. you can find it out there, if not, PM me if you really want it.

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