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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


i recently started workin with this kid i gues hes emo he wears tigth pants and beat up ass cons we work in a factory but he works in the office so hes not required to wear steel toe boots....anyway i never understood the hatred tht some of you guys have for those emo fags until know......i hate the basterd with a passion he fuckin walks like he got fucked in the ass id like to catch him after work and give him apiece of my mind.....

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


I watched this show a few weeks ago with a friend and all we did the whole time was rag on all the girls. Well, the dude too.


Next thing I know his little brother is flipping the fuck out and telling us "All you ever do is make fun of other people. They're people too. They have feelings. How would you like it if they were making fun of you?" The he tried his hand at doing what I do best and made a lame attempt at making fun of us. It was quite amusing. To us anyway.

Oh I know the type!! My ex used to hate me taking the piss out of people on Big Brother or Australian soaps adn their wooden acting. I think it is hilarious, but she was like the little brother in your story.


It isn't my fault I can act better than they can, and can do hilarious interpretations of their characters. Another ex of mine loved it, but I hate how people can't stand people who make fun of/impersonate others.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


Oh I know the type!! My ex used to hate me taking the piss out of people on Big Brother or Australian soaps adn their wooden acting. I think it is hilarious, but she was like the little brother in your story.


It isn't my fault I can act better than they can, and can do hilarious interpretations of their characters. Another ex of mine loved it, but I hate how people can't stand people who make fun of/impersonate others.


The best way to fuck with someone is just to say "Look atchyou" when ever they are saying something or just standing there. I said it to my mom before, she started doing backflips in the kitchen yelling about how I dont have any respect for her.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


That is actually one of my brothers favorite lines.

He says it all the time, and I do occassionally.

But fuck it, I am destined to take the piss out of self appreciating retards, and will continue to do so.

i am off to bed now, ciao all!!

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


Oh I know the type!! My ex used to hate me taking the piss out of people on Big Brother or Australian soaps adn their wooden acting. I think it is hilarious, but she was like the little brother in your story.


It isn't my fault I can act better than they can, and can do hilarious interpretations of their characters. Another ex of mine loved it, but I hate how people can't stand people who make fun of/impersonate others.


Yeah it was really fucking lame. He won't talk to me anymore. haha.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


i dont know cali, im not familiar with that area.


ive lived here most of my life....and every summer everyone goes rafting...what sucks is that im almost always busy:(....i hope you had fun.

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