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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo



i get where your comin from now tango....

well yeah... to be honest i do find it over rated myself...

but its been around me LITERALLY my whole life

so its somewhat of a habbit... but besides all these wreckless

ass stories, im doin a hell of alot better in school,

not gettin into any trouble, and just focusing on graduating...

it it wasnt for my grandma making me promise her im going to

graduate on mothers day i think i would've dropped out already...

i dont really see the point in school to be honest..

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


When I read tailsone say he is about to reach the 'big 1 8' i feel old...


yea shits depressing....i miss the old days when i had less to lose, no rent no bills no criminal record....being a retard driving drunk every night bombin stealing fighting....when i look at shit i think i had it better when i was younger. i got court on monday morning for another stupid fuckup of mine...im lookin at 1000+ in fines and 3 days in jail but im pretty sure i can get community service....i would pay 10 grand right now to have my record wiped clean, it is really fucking me up right now, im trying to go legit right now no more crazy shit time to get my grown man on



i was talking to a chinese hacker friend of mine about going into DMV or court systems and erasing my record....he told me its pretty impossible, maybe theres some better hackers on channel zero?

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


Wow, reading that makes me feel glad I am a fine upstanding citizen with a clean record.

Don't get me wrong, I ahev driven drunk plenty of times, yet even then it is such a controlled manner that I don't recieve any attention.

And fuck fines man, that shit is wack.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


haha that wasnt even for the DUI either....for the DUI i got $1600, 1 night in the tank, $400 impound, $600 DUI classes for 3 months, and 2 days cleaning police cars and buses. Plus my insurance rates are like 400 bucks a month...i put my cars under my brothers name so im only pay $92 a month haha. i have like 10 points on my driving record...i was such an idiot back in the days and now im paying for it.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


the flight of the conchords show is pretty awesome-funny.

the prids are just awesome, i can't find the love zero album of theirs online, i've been 'watching' that cd on ebay for like 3 weeks now, i want to buy it, but i think if i do i would probably randomly find it online right after and be sad for my 7 dollars it would cost. what the hell's "bleu" cheese? it's blue, speak american or GTFO!!!11

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