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CAPS sooperthread


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I will stick with my female cans. You could also just get some skill with a stock cap. Then you have no worries. For the longest time I lived in a town in maine called Jakmen. Small as fuck town. No Internet and no way to get caps. You just have to learn how to cut your caps.

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^^^^any one ever think that cites like that help cops,and wile they also help toys and keep the stupid Q's down, it would be nice to not hear about how some girl in your mixed medea class saw some graffiti and was sooooo inspired buy it she was and all the research she did, dus some shitty art project or video or report,nuthing i love more than some 19 year old bitch telling me what fat caps and burners are.


if it is a femail valve yes, i have used them on walmarts both montanas all the rusto brands and krylon.and osh brand paint, there my favorite fat.and 25cents or less a cap its worth a try.

yea some gangs have the old E on lock.

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