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Don't Call it Frisco


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fuck me? this aint my thread, im not postin up, u post up nigga. your sitting there on your fuckin computer thinkin your some shit commin at me. all i fuckin said was that orfn is ass, he is on some fuckin 6th grader shit and you fuckin know it. the bay area has some great fuckin shit goin on, stuff that will burn my ass. i was commin at ORFN only, so all you other fucks who didnt fuckin get that, there it fuckin is! god damn a nigga... and maybe you should fuckin pick up a few books and learn your history son, cause if your jockin ORFN's dick sayin that his is on some "og bay area shit" and how fuckin hard that is...wow, u need fuckin schooled.


*i picked up "the art of getting over" for $12, and shit retails for like $25, stupid nigga...



you know, i never talk shit on here, but this kid cis deserves it. you dont know shit about what you are talking about. trust us, all of us, when we say his shit is dope. before you make a judgement about his (or anybody elses stuff) you at least need to understand the context as well as the quantity in which his stuff exists. nobody expects you to know about it if youre an out-of-towner so theres no need to front like you have half an idea about bay history. ive been "jocking" orfn since 1992 and for good reason. if you dont know why we all are defending him then you yourself "should fuckin pick up a few books and learn your history son." thats all.



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