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alert --you definitely don't need to be posting in here, but i appreciate it. your shit is real fucking nice, and you're being way to hard on yourself about your letter structure. your shit is tight. the structure is fine, the 3D is on point, and that character is dope. keep posting here to keep this thread alive, but you can step on to something better man. if people do talk shit to you, it's just because there are way too many fucking idiots on this forum. good work man, keep that shit up. play with some more colors. can you do some lone characters as well?

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I'km liking your work alert, especially those little shadow details. One crit though, the left (ale) portions look really busy, but the right (rt) is simple, it is a little off balance. Otherwise, really good. Definetly post more!


haha yea i no exactly what you mean im trying to work around that but its taking a while haha but ill try get some more sketches up asap. thanks for all the comments

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New sketch... crits por favor...

earl- yh i bin thinking bout a lot of stuff for stickers actually but dont know how to make em outside jus drawin on postal stickers. will find out soonish though. tv man is one of a few i wanna put up.





i don't think that i like the piece above the P... it would look better if it wasn't touching the P and fit above the A a little better... but other than that, i love your pieces man. keep it up.

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supacola --here's what you need to do. go out and buy yourself a roll of paper. you can get it in many sizes. it's usually a thin sheet. then you want to go and get yourself a thing of wallpaper glue. mix that up with a little water, and you've got paste. look on line for wheat paste recipes if you're really interested. then what you want to do is draw out your piece on pieces of paper. you can go big or small --it's all up to you. cut your shit out, roll it up, go to the spot you want to vandalize, put a little paste up, put up your peice, then paste over it until it's up good and solid. i mostly do stickers and wheat pastes, cans are new to me. the shit is fun man, go out and get yours now.

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