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Kesa..i fort that sed Resa..

i canrt hardly see it neither seaz..



im likin that Frase..


so..time for my monthly dose of different letter's...on sumthing different.. :P




only quick..and yeah..i hate R's and S's..sooooo bad... :angry: :angry: :angry: :lol:






so heres my crit your a FAGGOTand i think it should be known, and now, you may bitch away at me.....

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Dis Thread Is Embarassing this thread is for people who cant be bothered to go out and paint and just stay on there computers doin toy sketches askin for critz, advice is go out and try shit fuck what everybody else says


you want to know whats more embarrassing??

you cant spell "this"

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Dis Thread Is Embarassing this thread is for people who cant be bothered to go out and paint and just stay on there computers doin toy sketches askin for critz, advice is go out and try shit fuck what everybody else says


This* thread* is* embarrassing*.* This* thread is for people who can't* be bothered to go out and paint and just stay on their* computer* doing* toy sketches asking* for critz. My* advice is go out and try ?(shit fuck)? what everyone* else says.*



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Stil - Try to keep your hand still when you are doing the outline...I have a hard time with it too but I'm guessing you're using prisma or sharpie for the black...In that case, try to get another pen for outlining such as MICRONS...That's what I have and they are great...Really skinny lines or the same size lines as a fine sharpie depending on what size you get...But the great thing about them is that if you put marker onto the black, then there is no problem...With sharpies and prismas they bleed like a mad man that just sliced his neck...Also, this has already been said but, the top of the T is a little too big and if the A wasn't slanted to the left it would look better...Last thing is that you should fill the rest of the thing with the blue so the blue dot doesn't look so out of place or random...



MITH - I see how you could mix my K with an R because of the picture but when it is colored it will be much easier to distinguish...Onto your crits...Your 3-D on the TRAIN one needs to be better...I know you can do better so I'm not gonna make a big deal out of it. After looking at them again I see that you seem to have a problem doing 3-D on curves...If so I suggest just drawing a bunch of lines where it curves and then connect the lines to make it come out smoother and less like it did on your piece...If I am wrong then whatever...Anyways...The letters that are not so great are your first A (looks like it is stuck in a box that is way too small for it), your M (everything is fine except for that right side of the left leg being weird and messing up the whole letter), your E (it's fine but it doesn't fit with your style in the least...I bet you already figured that out though because its kinda obvious), your T (the lines both extending in opposite directions off the top bar of it...I suck with T's as well though so I really can't give crits on how to make it better), your R (as you said you suck at R's but I think that your main problem is that you are trying to keep the R as one single bar when really it is made of 2-3 I made this really quick so don't criticise me on the fact that the lines are too wide/skinny in places


Again that is just my thoughts), lastly your I (It all works and looks good until you see the top dot on it...It just seems too squished if you know what I mean, also the 3-D is way off on it)


See that MITH? That's some quality constructive criticism right there...


you talk waaaaaaaaaay too much

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Kesa..i fort that sed Resa..

i canrt hardly see it neither seaz..



im likin that Frase..


so..time for my monthly dose of different letter's...on sumthing different.. :P




only quick..and yeah..i hate R's and S's..sooooo bad... :angry: :angry: :angry: :lol:






i really like all of em and can u send me the link to the trains?

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Dis Thread Is Embarassing this thread is for people who cant be bothered to go out and paint and just stay on there computers doin toy sketches askin for critz, advice is go out and try shit fuck what everybody else says


no one could have said it better, and i hate to side with vivre, but mith is the focal point of losers in graffiti, hes not bad, its just he has probably not painted near as many times as he has asked 'crits anyone?'

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Vivre..post up..prick


this thread is turning into a paint thread..


soo..heres that double pager i was onabout..




i duno..its okay i suppose..




Thanks.. :D


this is pretty nice, you shouldnt be in the toy thread

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Vivre..post up..prick


this thread is turning into a paint thread..


soo..heres that double pager i was onabout..




i duno..its okay i suppose..




Thanks.. :D


laugh, i'm sorry but this is so wack. I think it's funny when wack white kids say graffiti is art hahaha. stick to drawing plz.

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i really like all of em and can u send me the link to the trains?


nice simples keep practicing the different letters but DONT bite a old school character...its better to be different. also check the 3-d on the Y from NYC its missing a part of the 3-d.

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this simple does not have 3-d it has a drop shadow...so ur drop shadow is what you mean when ur talking about the 3-d being off..right ???


it still off, look at the bottom of the n, the n like curves under and shit, and the shadow doesnt, thats what hes talkin about

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this is pretty nice, you shouldnt be in the toy thread


This is a difference here. His simple letters are wonderful, you know i like em mith, but it needs to stay in the toy thread because of your lack of skill with your hands, you went for realistic and your proportions are way the fuck off on the fingers, thumbs, the connection between ect.. For example. the hands are not proportioned corretly..the fingers are 2 long when straight. the point of view on the blue wide marker is fucked. and the tatoos all over is a fucking joke. sry. you seem to be more interested in highschool artclass stuff in this one, and it kinda shows your age is a bit younger beacause of your obsession with the tatoos.. but its not sketchy, clean lines, and i like your hello sticker. Peace late.

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mith, why dont u lose all the chars in ur sketch and just focus on the letters? and later maybe a char with 1 piece, and work on your hand (handstyle, not the hand (of an arm with all tattoos on it) in the sketch, lose the hand in the sketch ;)).

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Dis Thread Is Embarassing this thread is for people who cant be bothered to go out and paint and just stay on there computers doin toy sketches askin for critz, advice is go out and try shit fuck what everybody else says


i agree. i think instead of sketchin and postin up about 5 sketches every night, you shud try goin out painting every now ad agen. u'll never get better unless you do.


freak, likin the 3-d

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yeah..i agree crystal with everything crystal said and all the others who arnt dicks who critted me..thanks..and im 15..it twas my first full pager and iv never attempted to add a art element to my graff..with markers..it twas probably my first time doing sumthing arty with markers..but i dont know why people always judge me on my chars and that..im only here for advice on my letters...i only add chars etc. so my simples dont look bare and boring..


i also love it when people just bitch talk to me..its so fucking funny..sad basterd's..get a life..bitch talking on the internet..is fagtasticly gay..i also notice that half the people on here who bitch talk to people..NEVER post there own stuff..and when i look at the posts..theres never anythin picture wise....aaah...sad fucks..( directed at..you know who you are..)


i have to go now..i have a life..i may even go sketch..and get better..unlike you fag's ( who bitch talked me )

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