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i wasnt saying maz was good or bad i just give out crits since im the one who expects them

i was asking him and others if he really thought i have to go back to simples AGAIN

and i dont get whats so bad about my perv throw except the v....


well the E is <i>ok</i>, and it looks like ur at least sticking to the same form of letters (which a lot of toys dont do), but not everything is stylistically good, like the P and R both just look kinda weird, and not proportionate. if you cant figure out something that looks good with this style of letters, try a new style. its all about experimenting

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yeahhh mith you got our exchange up in therrrr


i might do a progression thing later...but now,






i like this, trying going bigger, and adding some more depth with the colors (maybe some white highlights, and darker greens on the off sides of the letters)

the bigger you go, the easier it will be and it will look better

that goes for books and painting

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i wasnt saying maz was good or bad i just give out crits since im the one who expects them

i was asking him and others if he really thought i have to go back to simples AGAIN

and i dont get whats so bad about my perv throw except the v....


everythings bad about it. your trying to add t many little things to the letters, just draw those same letters, but draw them naked, without all those little addon things you got going there.

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... and then kill a baby... or two babies.


if u cut their heads off, i heard a bunch of prismas, cans of montana, and a guide on how to do wildstyle all come fountaining out of their glorious neck-stumps!


its the biggest secret in graffiti history, so dont tell anyone.

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everythings bad about it. your trying to add t many little things to the letters, just draw those same letters, but draw them naked, without all those little addon things you got going there.


you should really say this type of thing more often cause i have a feeling thatll really help....:D

and thanks to BEAST_tyle or w/e

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