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e thuggin swagged out. stop doin graff you all suck. only do simples cuz thats true wildstyle. never experiment because you need to progress. what? stupid shit that is said in here.....


cob your pieces have alot going on bro. take the little add ons away from the next sketch and post it. also play with line weight. even a thicker sharpie line on all of it would help. dont stop using arrowz just place them more strategically homes. its like where did that arrow come from? also consistency is key. im not saying make everything one thickness just that you have some bars fatter or skinnier in certain places. i love variation if thickness dont get me wrong but for example were the leg of your g connects to the main bar is thinner than anything else. feels me?

best criticism i've gotten, thanks.

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Heres a crit. Remove the arrows. They serve no purpose in balancing out your sketch. Which is why people do extensions, to fill in negative space and make their sketch feel balanced. You just did them, cause. there is no reason for those arrows to be there, therefore, they should be removed.


But if you feel so strongly they should be there. tell us why?



Its just like graphic design. You ask yourself, why did i put that there. If you cant come up with a reason, its probably best you just remove it. Cause it looks cool, isnt really a valid reason.

I'm experimenting, trying different shit to see if it works, i'm not just going to sit around and do some keyboard simples and shit like that because in my opinion that is boring, uncreative and generic.

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Work on your simples.


When the time is right for extensions, it just happens.


This doesnt mean KEYBOARD SIMPLES, just simples. minimal extensions. Like you should work on using serifs as extensions to start with (which you kind of already are doing).



You also have to think about where you place them. Try place them in a way that will make it flow with the letterforms, not x over a line of flow your letter created.

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ive been doing this trying to refine my letters individually. so now im on decent terms with my K but i hate the A. any thoughts?


(once again, rough sketch. just trying to get ready for paint)



@galore. looking better, now, i can see where you could add an extention to the tail of the g, maybe bring it up towards the head of it. if you execute it right it could

look natural, i think.

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ive been doing this trying to refine my letters individually. so now im on decent terms with my K but i hate the A. any thoughts?


(once again, rough sketch. just trying to get ready for paint)



@galore. looking better, now, i can see where you could add an extention to the tail of the g, maybe bring it up towards the head of it. if you execute it right it could

look natural, i think.


if you wanted them to be consistent the E;s one is too high. it should be similar to the R;s i reckon. Also your serifs aren't all consistent. And iunno about the little addon on the r's leg at the bottom n junk. liiks iffy.


But yeah i do see a lot of my styling in your letters. The R and K, haha. The U and C were what pushed me in the curve direction. My style is probably mostly inspired by freak off of here though.

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seriously? what point are you trying to make? pushing shit. i never said having straight bars was the only way to sketch up. so suck your own dick and quit wasting thread space



thats pretty much exactly what you said. you said his bars were uneven and then you come in a couple days latter posting that lopsided K bullshit. i just thought it was amusing. those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones and all that.




negged for being a hypocrit.


EDIT: 2 tampons in one hit. I'VE GOT THE POWER!!!!



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ran out of paper and fucked up the K so i folded.


Still could have done with more tweaking. Mostly around the serifs, they arent consistent enough.. I also think the R's extended top line that intercepts the top bar need to either go, or the other letters needed something similar.


and haha, aint inked in awhile. shits rough.

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But yeah i do see a lot of my styling in your letters. The R and K, haha. The U and C were what pushed me in the curve direction. My style is probably mostly inspired by freak off of here though.


freak really broke down to me how to do my first simple, so i credit him for most of my progression and inspiration also

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