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So I need some good advice on how I could fit in a nice extension in that big empty space between the e and the a and how I can finish off the top leg of the k and make it consistent with the s...yeah I'm goin for symmetry lol and I know I should probably be bringing the focus more on the e being in the middle but whatever, I was pretty satisfied in the sketching process it flows pretty decent for myself.


Kline I didn't forget you I've been doing quick sketches(basically all I do till I can aquire some prismas) but nothing flows, really hard to bring in the I after the L with the way I do.


Anybody know if wally world carries some decent markers that I may have passed up? It's a 30 minute drive to the nearest marshalls and it's sooo much easier to get free shit from wal mart.

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I've recently been working on a small sticker and wondered if it's good or if I still need some work.




It's a Psycho Clown DJ in case anybody couldn't figure out what it was.


I do my stickers on index cards since I can use a very strong adhesive on the card instead of that USPS shit.


Feedback would be nice :D

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Rant has no business on this thread. kid if a fuckin detroit king


He for sure is no king by any means and that nigga def deserves to keep his ass in the toy thread. Shit is wack. And mutant r please tell me you didnt agree to this fool speaking drunken nonsenses.


Outcaste yo dont take offence to this because i say it constructively but whether the camera is old or not it still is rough. Your lines are shakey and everything needs to be refined as in shapes and proportions. I love the idea just redraw it and practice it mane.


Romero thats pretty sweet. I love what you did with the aks cross bar.


Cobler you obviously have skill, you can see that by how dope this sketch is. Line weight, shading, 3d. All on point. But the letters need work. Id rather see dope letters than a well drawn piece. Im not saying theyre horrible cuz ive seen and posted worse haha but they arent great imo. And be careful with that grey effect thing your doin on the letters, for example on the g at the bottom. Feels me? It seems a lil over used and watch the placement. Some places it looks like you made mistakes and forgot shit.

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Cobber shit's pretty dope but it's pretty hard to make out the last three letters. Pretty sure romero said it but I got confused because I can't figure out what it says....galdke? galore? fuck idk but it still looks pretty good. damn better than anything I can do.

cheers man, it says galore.

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ahh nice then.....so I'm kinda just posting as a why the fuck not, this sketch was the result of unproductivity in calculus. The low down being all the letters suck(well I like the k alright) but the form was more important and I think if I polish it a bit more in a better environment I could start practicing it on walls, I think it would be a decent simple. Plus I really wanna get a simple that I can actually get clean because there's super chill little yard that's solely for one small business in my town with no fences or security as far as I can see from my regular painting spot. and yeah...the 3d is the worst part as usual hahaha



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Thats... not a real car... aye?


EDIT: nvm ahh its on a game. Thats cool. The way you put it on. not the design haha...


Well the colour scheme is working. just do more keyboard simples.


I would say go even simpler with your 3d. your trying to do one on an angle and they are easy, but there are easier 3d's you could attempt.

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