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Mutant for that first block buster you might as well get some graph paper broski, keeps everything in proportion. And the throw generally you want bubbly cartoon letters ya feel me. Don't disregard the r leg just yet, a lot of fucked up things just neet a tweek and they're bangin.O you can't go wront with a circle but try to put your own twist on it. R is hard so keep workin at it, hell my whole throwie ir R! Lol. For the s and e, they're both dope letters and also hard to make original, check out what other people are doin for inspiration but stay true to yourself.

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My favourite simple so far. The bottom bar of the Y is a little off, im not sure why i narrowed it at the neck... watevs. What u guys think? p.s. sharpies are awesome.




much better. i think the vertical bar on the Y should be a bit thicker, it's too thin for the U shaped part. That I is dope. The curvy bar on the K should be a little thinner, just a tad, as well as the bar that sticks out of it. Also the A is a little fat compared to the rest. But you're getting there.

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i like how everybody in here is doing simple shit. that's the way to go when your a toy. some people try to do wild style or complicated shit way before they should. simple shit is the way to go period. if you keep your letters simple and just throw on some really good looking detail, your going to be satisfied with what you are doing. wild style really isn't my thing anyways. having your letters too close together and having unnecessary little add-ons just takes away from the letters them self.

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Nice root. Huski for the paintint with red and blue, the blue is so light it doesn't contrast with the white. You should have taken the red into the blies half and made a red line basically outlining the whole inside of the letter if you get what I'm sayin. And no diss because I need to too, but practice painting man those wall transitions don't look nearly as good as the sketches imo

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root - linework not bad but its too much, do simples, get better structure..


yokai - cut ins are mad fun, but remember to keep em sensible, ie with the cut in on the bottom leg of the y you have to keep the same angle at the bottom... hard to explain... just random stuff...

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root - linework not bad but its too much, do simples, get better structure..


yokai - cut ins are mad fun, but remember to keep em sensible, ie with the cut in on the bottom leg of the y you have to keep the same angle at the bottom... hard to explain... just random stuff...


What are cut ins?


And nice beast

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for example on the k in yokai there is the area where the vertical bar meets the curved leg.. looks like it barely connected/has a chip out of it... thats what i was talking about though i dont know if thats what they are officially called..


beast pretty cool, lots of neg space around b and e..

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Nice root. Huski for the paintint with red and blue, the blue is so light it doesn't contrast with the white. You should have taken the red into the blies half and made a red line basically outlining the whole inside of the letter if you get what I'm sayin. And no diss because I need to too, but practice painting man those wall transitions don't look nearly as good as the sketches imo


both of these were done in june, ive learned alot since then. i just really started painting this year. the previous years i hardly painted. i think i just dont take the time out to do extreme detail, make my cuts, and really clean my shit up. and i think i really need to take more time perfecting my sketches when i paint. thats usually the part i kind of rush through for some reason. everybody tells me my shit is way better on paper. thats cause ive done nothing but draw for 5 years and really studied other peoples pieces, throws, etc. i know the blue didnt contrast with the white. i know all about contrasting colors. that was just the only colors i had left, so i just put them to use.

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What are cut ins?


And nice beast


ill try to explain this the best way i can. cut ins are where a part is kind of diconnecting from another part of your letter, but not entirely disconnecting. go back and look at the yokai and youll see what i mean. i usually have a hard time explaining things like this so i hope it was helpful. or go and look at the HUSK in the book. at the bottom of the H and K youll see what im talking about.

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BEAST. great name, very well balanced name as well. but i hate to be the one to tell you, there is already 3 beast's that i know of, probably more than that. the 3 i know of put major work in on autoracks and boxcars. so their name is already out and about. and 2 out of those 3 stick to strictly simples. personally, i dont write names that are already taken by other people, especially when they put in alot of work. if its somebody painting a ditch behind their house, who gives a fuck. i got alot of shit in my city when i wrote AYER cause he was an LA legend who is now deceased. if you want to stick with that, thats your decision, just thought id give you the heads up.

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There's a lot of names that may seem cool but ill put money down that a shit ton of people use. Fresh, acid, psycho, solo off the top of my head. It really makes the names stupid imo and lose character. Here's a question ill throw out for discusion, in our everchanging culture do you think if two writers have the same name but different numbers after it (excluding the number 1 because it has another meaning) and these two writers have basically different everything else is it still acceptable? And this is what an old head told me that the number one afer your name says your the only one writing it

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There's a lot of names that may seem cool but ill put money down that a shit ton of people use. Fresh, acid, psycho, solo off the top of my head. It really makes the names stupid imo and lose character. Here's a question ill throw out for discusion, in our everchanging culture do you think if two writers have the same name but different numbers after it (excluding the number 1 because it has another meaning) and these two writers have basically different everything else is it still acceptable? And this is what an old head told me that the number one afer your name says your the only one writing it


the thing u said about the number 1, makes alot of since. youll harldy ever see me write one after my name. people from my city like dark, sarge, seap, spice, lemen, and many more, are names that are already in circulation. now i do think it is very disrespectful to write a dead mans word when he was a legend, thats why i gave my previous name up so easily. ill have to say when your a toy you dont really think about, oh i bet there is somebody that already writes this. i went by some names that are used by many people, i just didnt think about it at the time. when i came up with my existing name, i did my research and there was only one person i could find in the US writing it. so i just stuck with it.

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Mutant for that first block buster you might as well get some graph paper broski, keeps everything in proportion. And the throw generally you want bubbly cartoon letters ya feel me. Don't disregard the r leg just yet, a lot of fucked up things just neet a tweek and they're bangin.O you can't go wront with a circle but try to put your own twist on it. R is hard so keep workin at it, hell my whole throwie ir R! Lol. For the s and e, they're both dope letters and also hard to make original, check out what other people are doin for inspiration but stay true to yourself.


I have used some before but i felt like i was cheating just drawing straight over other lines but i guess it'll help in the long run. true i could tell i was forcing the straights and connecting them, ill give the bubbles a try and ill bet it's easier its just that i dont really like the look of some, but what can you do.


yeah ive been looking in other threads and seeing what i like and pretty much biting it but not going to claim it as mine. tweak it a little


thanks for that and that little piece,


Also what are some pointers for doing 3-d???? coz ive seen some get pretty wack

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